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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Mystique

  1. back in my day i farm 1 billion and get 0 cards at mvp room ( no luck )
  2. Please make a ticket here
  3. Welcome to the server and have fun.
  4. Welcome to Forsaken hope see you in game if got question feel free to ask!
  5. Mystique


    You can find it the Wiki or just press here for the fRO quest.
  6. Hello and welcome! Hope see you in game the server will like you here! Feel free to find me near the Help Desk at Forsaken City (@go 25)
  7. Congratulations to the winners!
  8. This is a nice@sad movie. Watched it.
  9. The A-Team,How to Train Your Dragon, How to Train Your Dragon 2, One Piece Movies watched already about one piece. Sabo got Ace power already :th_e14: :th_e14: Love your signature Phantom Assasin.
  10. I will try to watch those.
  11. Anybody drop your favorite movie here :th_e30: :th_e30:
  12. Welcome to the server. Any question just visit us at Forsaken City Help Desk.
  13. We need time for this. It is'nt easy to relocate the items that were missing need to take times. Just wait for superior to replay your ticket.
  14. Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.

    1. Sir Ikki

      Sir Ikki

      Unfortunately for many is only to eat chocolates :(

  15. Welcome to ForsakenRO. Hope you enjoy!
  16. The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.

  17. I just starting play as a GM :th_swt3: :th_swt3:
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