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Forsaken Elite
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About Nebula

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Knight (3/10)



  1. I'm terribly sorry for not being around fRO! I have been going through some personal things, making me unable to get online :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Armstrong


      Your fRO family will never leave you behind. We'll always be here for ya!

    3. Capuccino


      D: same page!!

    4. Nebula


      Thanks Armstrong! And I'm sorry Capuccino! It's really tough right now, But I'm surviving some how.

  2. Welcome Back!
  3. Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO! I'm in Space (California). I'm sure there are quite a few NewYorkers.
  4. Welcome to ForsakenRO! If you need anything dont hesititate to drop by th help desk at @go 25! Also, I'm a veteran of RO as well. Been on WAY too many servers, but I've played BlacoutRO and TalonRO as well.
  5. Welcome to fRO! I played CeresRO way back when, more towards when it first came to the surface, but I never stayed long. I tend to leave RO's if they don't interest me, thankfully this one interests me!
  6. Welcome to fRO! I do hope you enjoy you're stay, don't ever hesitate to ask for help from any of the GMs at the help desk!
  7. The Site is located at : http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/gaming-discussion/promotion/t.96588747/ (Should be viewable for everyone even if you're not a member)
  8. I have to agree with Aerfox, I thought of Full Metal Alchemist as well, but then I was like "Wait..." Had to double check pfft! Anyways, Welcome!
  9. Shes a character that was made in 1985. First appeared in Avengers #257 (July 1985). She's considered an Enemy to the Avengers and Silver Surfer.
  10. Hello everyone! I'm nebula, I'm a giant Cloud of many types of Gases. Or, If you're a nerd like myself, I'm a Marvel Character! Either way, I've come here to help protect this lovely place called Forsaken RO! i do hope my Adventures here are as exciting and fun as those before I arrived here! If you're interesting in finding me in Game, My name is [GM]Nebula I'll mostly hang out around the Help desk When I'm not busy. But other times I'll probably go watch everyone PvP in For_fild01. I hope you all will take care of me and my Strange ways! Nebula Shutting down!
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