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Forsaken Elite
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About Forever~Zero

  • Birthday 01/08/1992

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  • Location
    East Coast, USA

Forever~Zero's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. Forever~Zero

    Combat Arms

    My friends little brother plays this and I must say.. he is addicted. I've stayed with the COD4 on Xbox360 though. I'm not a fan of computer FPS games. Mouse-clicking to shoot isn't my cup of tea. And I lol'd at the line "mentally inept." Ha.
  2. Forever~Zero


    Which Zero was I? The other one? I still have your screenname. We'll talk there sometime. Soon.
  3. Pokemon Stadium was good.
  4. Wow, never knew that. I'm still excited about the XIII though. I'm still in awe.
  5. FF is tied for first with 8, right now.
  6. I've only played GB version of Castlevania. *Side Note* And at your sig Indalecio... I have characters on Granado Espada. Level 50 I think. I think its still installed in my PC. Still, FF rules.
  7. I love seeing so many other people who enjoy these games as much as I do/did.
  8. I was tempted to say Yuufi and Vincent because their opposite personalities makes for interesting drama.
  9. Final Fantasy.
  10. Forever~Zero

    E3 2008.

    I think you can order it on demand too if anyone has cable.
  11. I like Cloud and Aerith. Tifa and Vincent.. now that'd be a combination. Zack's screwed though.
  12. Forever~Zero

    E3 2008.

    I love this so much since I don't have my PS3 no more.. (sent it away to family.) Final Fantasy...lives on for me.
  13. Forever~Zero


    I want to be part of this. Bye?
  14. Yeah I waited a lil' bit before I made my intro topic. Welcome though, officially.
  15. Forever~Zero

    E3 2008.

    Did I just see you say FFXIII on 360? .. is that true?
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