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Everything posted by armeyn15

  1. armeyn15

    B > O.ZOD

  2. armeyn15

    B > O.ZOD

    BUYING > ORIGINAL/DONATE ZODIAC AURORA = Reply with your best offer and IGN. Thanks!
  3. I would suggest you accept farming services for a fair price. Also, making sure of the seed room is a good way to earn tokens too.
  4. Close the thread now please I've found the answers myself hehe thanks!
  5. sinx b.ring = 1.8k toks :D
  6. armeyn15

    Ping Zapper

    Ohhhhh it's working now! Thanks alot! God bless everyone!
  7. armeyn15

    Ping Zapper

    I'll try this as soon as I get home. I'm away atm so I can't try this solution anytime soon. Anyway , thank you for your responses. I hope this will fix it. I'll update asap!
  8. armeyn15

    Ping Zapper

    Tried running 1 client only and still the error occurs XD I might as well give up on this. huehue thank you for the response!
  9. armeyn15

    Ping Zapper

    This error will appear though XD
  10. armeyn15

    Ping Zapper

    I tried wtfast before and I find it rather useful. But suddenly I got banned for unknown reason and I'm too lazy to bother with filing a report whatsoever. So now, I tried using PingZapper as an alternative to wtfast. Butttttt! I can't seem to figure how could I set it up with FRo. Which launcher/exe/program should I put to where? Sorry for the noob question XD
  11. I'll buy GS B.Set [Eisa, right?]. Name a decent price :D
  13. Great update FRO Dev and GM team :D Merry Christmas! Sir your replies are repeatitive :D
  14. ohhh. Now it make sense. Thaaaanks! for the quick answer folks. :th_thx: :th_ok: And I am satisfied with my care :D
  15. Well, I was just curious. What if I'm using Lk and geared with ice pick [1] and goes BB to Medium sized players. Will my BB's damage is reduced by 25%? (RMS said that dagger will only deal 75% damage on medium sized monsters). If I will put drake card on it, will it increase by 25%? And also, I'll be doing BB while mounted on a Peco. Hope someone knows the answer to this ;D
  16. Leave message :D
  17. EOF=950. Freyrs and Hal = 1.3k Each.
  18. 1350. /gg
  19. Gonna buy this if 950. But sad la.
  20. B> EOF for 950 toks ^___^.
  21. Oh. My problem's been solved. Someone please close this thread. Thanks! :th_ok:
  22. Well I got this question answered by kyoshiro029 :D Now how do I close this thread? :O
  23. The thing is, I can't seem to find the guide for ND Ring quest. Anyone knows the coords of the npc? And also, the npc for Quest RAW. Cuz they said that ND Ring requires Quest RAW, poring, poporing, drops rucksack. I'm well aware of the ND Ring's effect. I just wanted to do the quest even once and will serves as experience XD
  24. Aight sir. Thanks!
  25. Username: ahhmeynba Character Names: MVPzor, Balumbee~, MoeMoe Date: Today, April 06, 2015 I asked my younger brother to do the farming for me while i do the chores @ abyss-03 since he loved to watch me doing it. And only asked him to repeatedly press the warping keys and skilling keys, nothing more. when i got back, i've seen my char in some place and has a GM Menu npc. and saw twO GMs talking. I think it was Ares and a GM named starts with E. I haven't seen their whole convo since my account got dc'd that time already.
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