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About Mukuro

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Thank you very much for the input. I'll put my best effort into playing the server! Welp as soon as I am done downloading at least. EDIT: After about an hour of farming chilvalries, I really should have take the "hard work" part more seriously. Maybe RO isn't my game anymore, the many private servers have really shifted into a tedious quest based grind/donate your worries away and I'm really fooling myself if I'm going to find anything with the same pace as NLRO. While I don't mind commitment, I think of RO more as a casual environment to enjoy some PVP but almost every server is going to make you do really tedious objectives just to enjoy the one of the best aspect of RO. I've been hopping servers for days just trying to find something with the right pace. Get to max level, get some gear going, grind the cards, and jump into PVP. I felt really overwhelmed at what I had to do and how long I had to wait to just even stand the slightest chance. It might be because I played NLRO before Thanatos even existed. However, I think I've found enough reason to move on for good, the private server scene hasn't aged well. Thank you very much for the answers/input.
  2. Can someone just be real honest with me and just explain the difference between what you can work for in the game and what dropping 100$ will do for the average player? Almost every server out there seems to think their donation gear doesn't set a big gap or that people can still compete well enough. None of that blatant lying please. Stat differences, extra slots, and all of that nonsense can really go a long way when min-maxing. I'm not against donation but I won't budge unless I feel at "home." TL:DR Anyone feel like explaining key advantages (PVP or PVM) when concerning donation gear?
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