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Everything posted by bewarecross89

  1. Thank you. Finally get the answer ^^
  2. So, i can use one type of sword and one type of dagger. Can i use both lagendary dagger type? Such as l.fenrir and l.hel?
  3. thank you, but compared for people who can buy with real money it's too expensive for 140toks
  4. Can we use l.fenrir and l.crit at the same time?
  5. Good idea all, so we can hunt down other people, buy no sarcasm on chating right? How about if people tell something bad about other people religion? Can it be banned?
  6. please be wise. dont get fooled.
  7. Dont Get Fooled!. HWC only 45 toks. just Buy it from tokenshop anyway. dont need to buy it 140 toks. Remember guys! dont get fooled!
  8. 1 token = $ 0,1. 1 HIGH WIZARD CARD = $ 4,5. so 1 HWC = 45 TOKEN.
  9. why HWC card so expensive, it just $ 4,5 in token shop. in IDR equal to 60.000 IDR. ha2 it's funny so expensive if we can buy it cheaper from token shop.
  10. Do legendary weapon quest, you need to be forsaken knight first. Search the website
  11. but some people like to disturb and hunt down new player it makes new player lazy to play this game.
  12. thank you very much for the explanation.
  13. so, gunslinger only have one type of legendary weapon?
  14. is it one handed or two handed?
  15. Why need kiel if you can make no delay with sprint set? and 4 silver kiel.
  16. here is the list of people who keep disturbing people : you may right it down here. 1. vayne014
  17. SELL Legendary weapon quest item complete from beginning until the end. complete in toks/zeny/1 KIEL CARD.
  18. ok thanks for the explanation.
  19. really? but it's said acid demonstration depend on magic attack, so its magic? and how do we calculate acid demonstration damage? does it depend on attack too?
  20. does vesper card affect acid demonstration?
  21. trade comment here
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  22. is legendary katar two handed or one handed? please help
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