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Garrosh Hellscream

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Everything posted by Garrosh Hellscream

  1. Happy New Year everyone!

    1. enokers2014


      pre venci to na banned yung account bakit kaya?


  2. Hi guys. I'll be in Malaysia on Aug 22 to 29. Let's just forget our differences and meet up for good fun!

  3. Just share any funny conversations in game whether it's in English, Tagalog, etc. Translation to English is much appreciated. Here's mine...
  4. I messaged my raffle entries to you Veracity! ^_^
  5. Sounds good to me. My character now is DLSMIZEL. See you whenever.
  6. Yes I am still the owner of this guild. Although we migrated to my new and low profile guild called Back to Basics. Thanks if ever you consider us as a pro guild.
  7. What's the big deal if I rank Meet and a person whom I've heard a lot of stories about? Are you affected?
  8. - Airwalk - Kaneki / Meet Peacewalker
  9. Yeah it came from WoW. hehehe RGM> active, geared, loyal, and skilled WoE players = salary + drops + supplies Lose = Supplies only Win = 50 tokens + supplies Last break = 100 tokens
  10. Updated: S> Sniper Cursed Ring[2.5], Full Pally Blessed set [7k], Pink Imp [?]
  11. S> Pink Imp [?] and Full Pally Blessed set [7k] PM me in-game Garrosh Hellscream
  12. We have limited slots for new members! PM me in-game! Garrosh Hellscream
  13. Hello Vera! The current Wiki still works for me since I first started playing in this server. It really is helpful. It's just a matter of updating the Wiki from time to time, so +1 on the idea to make it open to anyone to contribute with moderator approval. I also agree with Desamor that it will be the same if you start with a new section for the guides. So instead of making a new section, why not revamp the whole Wiki with more recent updates? :) The items with all the information is cool! We'd be needing that. But as of now, I just check via control panel. As a guild leader of Warsong (start up), I think I would need a more updated information on War of Emperium. Like what are the coordinates of the maps and it's schedules? What drops will we get from castle drops? For Guild vs Guild and Battle Royale, I know that there's a change on it's schedule. Will it also be a good idea if new guilds can also see how the map looks like so they can plan a good strategy with members? I'll try to think of something else. Brainstorming.. :)
  14. Hi Extremalka! My IGN is Garrosh Hellscream, leader of Warsong guild. This is a startup guild and is WoE and bi-weekly events active. We have a very fun and friendly members and we're working our best to become one of the best. If ever you are interested to join us, you can PM any of our members.
  15. +1 I like this because it gives more sense to breakers like me. That's just my opinion. :)
  16. I accept geared members. It doesn't matter if you're new to the server as long as you can donate and gear up your character through donations. :)
  17. Hi sup bro! You might want to check out Warsong guild. My members are from US, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, and most are from Philippines. No problem with communicating with us since everyone can speak and understand English. www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=30015&page=1
  18. Using up all your resources to attack a server? That's like so desperate. He/she/they don't have a life. LOL Forsaken RO still rules the RO industry.
  19. 1.3 for Friggs. Thanks.
  20. Yes of course! PM me in-game: Garrosh Hellscream
  21. Already boughr sniper B. Set. I am only looking for friggs now.
  22. It's the second week and Warsong still hasn't gotten a castle yet. We are weak (for now) but our guild's members' friendship is getting stronger.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hollister


      its all about the friendship, you guys need more

    3. Garrosh Hellscream

      Garrosh Hellscream

      @Aoi what I meant to say is that when you're weak, you're open to new opportunities and probabilities to be stronger and get to the top. Basically, we enjoy the ride going to the top. :)

      @Bataclanmarriel high five! :)

    4. Garrosh Hellscream

      Garrosh Hellscream

      @skyslasher27 @hollister yes we are at the bottom and we can't wait to go to the top with you guys. :)

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