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Everything posted by jaewonlol

  1. Although I do love playing Shaco myself 8)
  2. Thanks Lean!
  3. Pfft you think Teemo is most hated. imo most hated is Gnar atm for me in my division.
  4. Haha 8) I still remember the days of TheRainMan Teemo now it's all about that McCashDollar Teemo~ I've played DotA2 amateur. Highest I could ever reach though (for MMR wise) was around 6200 I couldn't break past this for some reason. Just not enough dedication haha. But this was way back when 8) I barely play now since I'm mostly into League. Well I didn't really see any other League threads (searched) and so I just wanted to make one for the forums :)
  5. hi friends 8) lol
  6. Ah that's my wife actually LOL. Not me haha.
  7. Thanks Blood :D
  8. So who here plays League of Legends? What's your highest attained division? Favorite Champion? S1 - Platinum S2 - 2700 ELO S3 - Challenger S4 - Masters/Challenger 8) played in the LCS for a little so now an ex-pro player. Played a bit in the amateur scene but I just kind of stick to playing soloque. What about you all? www.twitch.tv/jaewonlol for proof 8)
  9. LOl alright I haven't played much this end season since it's pretty much over. Just waiting for the new season to start. If you want to add me in game it's jaewon on FKRO :O would be nice to get some help on some stuff haha
  10. Haha I used to play this a loooooong time ago. I kinda wanted to come back around to see if there were any old faces but I guess there doesn't seem to be any.
  11. www.twitch.tv/jaewonlol ^_^
  12. Yeah I used to be in the guild Limitless one of the top SinX's back in the day and Champions. I play League as well l0l i'm a Master/Challenger ADC main on there 8) in the NA scene. Ex-LCS pro so just kinda filling time now with random games haha. If anyone wants to help me out in game that'd be great too. Still trying to get a grasp on things again. Feels so weird playing :O
  13. Thanks Sensui :D
  14. My god it's been forever since I started playing on this server. I'm pretty sure everyone from the old days are gone but I'm wondering if anyone is still here from the days past. Old IGN was [ Armani ] from way back when I don't remember any of my account info but I guess I'm back?
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