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About decinoge

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  1. As ChainBreak said a 4 slotted shotgun would be a good start, I must admit. But I don't see a real problem on having the same stat boosts as the Legendary Revolver (I must admit I could be failing to see a detail. As for the 3 issues by Rayray: * Full Buster seems to be as spammable as Rapid Shower (maybe a tiny bit faster after cast). Might not be useful on PVP, but I definitely see it useful for WOE, specially on some narrow corridors (since shotgun has hit area without the need of Baphomet). * Like I said, this is just a request for a Legendary Shotgun, better to stick to the subject as it says on the Request Rules thread. * Same as the previous point.
  2. Oh... I did a search on the forum for any shotgun talk, and I didn't get any results (could you please link me the thread?). Sorry about that. Anyway, I didn't even thought that was a problem in the first place, so I guess I'll leave a suggestion myself in here. Same stat boost as the Legendary Revolver, with the Enlarge Weight Limit and the Necromancer Hood null effect. Increase damage 15% on Dust skill, and 10%~20% on Full Buster. The skill itself is already pretty strong, it would need care not to get overkill, but 20% might be a good option to give it a fighting chance as an alternative to Sniper. All I am pointing here is exactly the same as the Legendary Revolver, but as a shotgun.
  3. Hi, I'm new to the forum, and quite recent to the Forsaken RO. Great server btw. [edit] I would like to formally request for a Legendary type Shotgun. [/edit] My main character is a Gunslinger, and when I got my legendary weapon, I was given a revolver. It is cool, and very useful, but I think the class itself might be under-powered because there are some very interesting Shotgun builds out there. The lack of a Shotgun with 4 slots, and some start boosting, sabotages people's attempts to take those builds to a competitive level. If nothing else, for the fact that makes the Gunslinger structurally different from the archer-long-range-type. Personally I prefer to use a Shotgun, and like I usually say on other types of games "there are few problems in life that cannot be solved with a Shotgun". I have also got some feedback from other users that a Gatling would also be a nice addition, but I'm just going for the Shotgun in this post.
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