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About CrazyReady

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Novice (1/10)



  1. awesome, will do @detective! and thank you @cookie!
  2. then there must be something wrong with the tokens because ive been online for like 10 hrs and i only have 2 activity tokens
  3. So, I just started playing ro back a few days ago, the game itself is not a problem, but this server is so custom that i'm lost in what to do. I'm a 255/255 sniper, finished the knight quest and now I dont know what to do. There's a lot of items and terminologies I also dont exactly remember, like, what are sniper blessed sets? where do you get the ship hat(i was reading on the FAS guide)?Any advice of where to move on from here? I definitely need equipment but I just dont know where to go, and what to get. Also, what are some ways to get zeny fast here? the gold items are disabled in the normal mobs that give them... thanks! PS: i have no idea if this goes here or not, so if i made a mistake then sorry!
  4. Name's CrazyReady, played ro for about 5 years a freaking longggg time ago, so just getting back in the rope of things. Anyways, I dont know anyone lol, so hit me up in-game to chat or anything, ill be mostly farming for gear for the time being. I'm still learning the server so any tips and tricks would be appreciated! thanks!
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