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About Ferdok

Ferdok's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Hello I'm Interested on Weapon Requirements, tell me how many packs you have or can get for me and I will buy it. Please broadcast my IGN: The Devil and I will contact you :)
  2. ...
  3. as far I remeber, you give the items that the npcs ask for to the Thor npc in lasts steps in quest, continue to next step in guide
  4. ok, when was the last time you had no problems? if you say reseting chars look and position gives no solution, could you try to reinstall the game to discard any error on it? keep us informed about any progress
  5. It could be due to some reasons, map overpopulated and game cant refresh it, many programs open in your machine, slow network, etc. where your char was last saved? what is your connection speed? your computer specs? try to give us more info to help you better. any other char (if dont have, create one to test) have the same problem or just that one?
  6. enter control pael at https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/, select the char that is stuck, reset location and look, that should do the trick
  7. LTD box is a token u can use to upgrade any valkyre expansion headgear to limited, limited brings +5 all stats, i think its used just selecting the helm u own and want to convert and giving the token/box to ncp in traders room (near help desk in fcity) F. Soldier aka fsold its a headgear card droped in castle chests that grants inmunity to stone curse
  8. Ferdok

    Error In Opensetup

    Mmm, first thing i see is you use Program Files folder to set your game, are you on 32 bits OS? if you are in 64 try to change your folder to C:\Program Files (x86) or similar, maybe that will help. Next, the screenshot shows u are using lua file to save settings, click on the bottom icon to change to reg mode, (make sure the setup.ini file looks like this) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; RagnarokOnline OpenSetup ; (c) 2010-2014 Ai4rei/AN ; See doc/license.txt for details. ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Settings engine related settings [settings] ; Select settings engine on start-up. ; Possible values: ; LUA = Lua engine (current) ; REG = Registry engine (legacy) ; Default: ; LUA ; Note: Engine identifier is case-sensitive. Engine = REG ; Save registry settings per user. ; Possible values: ; 0 = No (saves to HKLM) ; 1 = Yes (saves to HKCU) ; Default: ; 0 ; Note: Do NOT change this setting, unless you REALLY know what you ; are doing, period. HKLMtoHKCU = 0 ; Select Lua settings folder. ; Possible values: ; 0 = data\ (legacy) ; 1 = savedata\ (current) ; Default: ; 1 LuaSaveData = 0 if u don't have setup.ini file create one empty txt file, rename to setup.ini and paste that inside :P also make sure you have rights to write in that folder (right clik on folder > properties > check the bottom where says read only and make sure isn't checked
  9. Enter control panel https://www.forsaken-ro.net/cp/ select your character on "my account" and reset look and positon, that usually does the trick
  10. really dont know much about pally but general suggestions can be: try to change the shield for a cross shield [usakoring] for 10% more dmg [if i remeber the right effect of that shield] get total dex 150 and then add agi until 195 aspd, rest str vit and some int (if can, if not u will be spaming seeds as pally anyway :D) In weapon I would recommend phreoni [to dont miss due to low hit,] and maybe 2xTG + [inca/VR/thana/anything u like] of couse extra armors like gr+rsx [anti bio] or evildruid+tgk [anti sinx] 2xorc lord [if champs gang you, you will take one with you to the grave] Exta cloaks, 2x noxious [anti snipers] Skoll+ raydric [dependig your armor and vit u can survice asura with this one] or another anti elemental like shadow/ghost/fire Use elemental converters to do more damage and always provoke the enemy before spamming skill.
  11. also mvp invasion and the poring invasion (not to mention the exploding chicken one) xD
  12. Not all people can afford to have exellent computers, and some people even rent computers by hours to play, (and remeber you living in first world doesn't mean everyone plays the same way) +1 since i think RCX doesnt give any advantage except reducing lag
  13. Well, Since there are some mvps that didn't drop anything useful (Drake, Doppelganger, Kraken, Biotata, Sniper Cecil, comes to my mind) maybe this suggestion but with another mpv drop that worth the hunt (like detale, useless card but valuable drop) will make them worth the hunt +1 (but gms should decide if bloody branch or another drop)
  14. You have the effect of necromancer cards and HW card, plus most of the normal mobs dont have high mdef anyway, also take in account that it can increase the damage for pvp where Wizard/proffesor have good damage already
  15. you need to do the quest, search for the dog in for_elite near the npc for l lhz quest
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