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About Leprechaun

  • Birthday 06/09/1969

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    Not Telling

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Leprechaun's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Or 12k + asgards
  2. GS Cursed Godslayer set [valis] 3500 Ninja bless ring set [tyr's] 3000 +10Sinx cursed set [2hels] 4000 Green Emp 3500 EToks 1:3
  3. Selling URDS[r] 2800 Freyr's Gauntlets[0] 2600
  4. B> Vali's Destroyer + Legendary Bullets Leave IGN and Offer
  5. Buying > Magical Leopard 2k LF> DONATOR....
  6. Magic Beans
  7. S/T> Thana = 11K or Full Wiz or Bio Bless ring + tokens
  8. PM me i got amber emp Kiami Rockfang
  9. T> Sniper Bless Ring Set = Champ Bless Ring Set
  10. +0 ltd O.Imp | O. Emp Gray Set [imp+emp] Sky Blue set [imp+emp] Thana card
  11. S> +0ltd Orange Imp+Emp = [20k] or + Sniper Bless Set + 700 = 10GVG/Emp CLOSED
  12. GM Gen, I already donated and sent an email, I'll Just wait for my Items, tnx a lot!
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