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About Chingkal

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Im still new, im a bit confused to the guides i saw.. can someone juat directly answer me in yes or no. Does abyssmal knight has an effect in acid bomb when mvp, will archer skeleton card boost damage of Acid Bomb? Since it is affected by pneumas is it also considered as range attack? So does ships hat affevt the damage pf acid bomb? Why does the other strategy guide puts dwar valkyrie randgris card on their weapon? Does it have any effect on acid bomb? Or shoyld you just use passive attack in order to strip or dispell the enem using those cards?? What should be my main cards on weapon when using bio??
  2. Im basically new here in ragnarok.. and i have a question regarding the description of whisper card which is give 50% dmage on ghost property attack. What does this means? Does it give you 50% boost damage when u are attacking a ghost property example ur enemy has GR card in him does it boost the damage? My other question is that does it only boost those ghost property attacks like napalm beat or soul attack? Does it works with immaterial arrow and will it give booost? 3Rd question will it stack if u already have mao guai in ur weapon? Will 2 whisper card really give 100% damage in ghost property? Do you use this when defeating thanatos?.. will it have an effect when your using FAS?
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