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Everything posted by xXShootingBlackStarXx

  1. Sadly not feeling the Christmas vibes with the Australian summer heat

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    1. Danny


      I know how you feel lol I wish we had snow.... I want winter! D:

  2. Anybody watches YouTube gamers and vloggers?

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  3. As far as I know, you don't necessarily have to do the legendary weapon quest first? But yeah, you need to be in the archer class or gunslinger class.
  4. Sword Art Online honestly terrifies me.

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    1. plok123


      I havent seen the second SAO, should i watch it? :P

    2. xXShootingBlackStarXx


      @plok123 I've actually only started watching the first few episodes, haha

  5. Ooh, yes. Box of Resentment would be quite good as well.
  6. It's not really a big issue, but I was just wondering - if items such as cursed waters, ygg berries and seeds can be converted into tickets, why not aloeveras as well? It might lessen the weight when carrying all of the items and may be easier when in groups of hundreds. (I've been told before that there is a way to convert aloes into tickets, but I'm not entirely sure, so please, someone correct me if I'm wrong)
  7. I don't really understand the need for people to ask if I'm really a girl when it comes to games. Yes, I'm a girl, yes, I play Ragnarok, Diablo, Elder Scrolls and sometimes League of Legends. Does it really have to matter on whether or not I'm a chic or not? All I really want to do is to just enjoy games without people telling me I have to "prove my gender."

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  8. Welcome to the server!
  9. I may or may not have hoarding issues when it comes to ro

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  10. Can someone please just give me some pizza

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    1. Capuccino


      i only have coffee o.o

    2. Ochibi


      I have peanuts . D:


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  12. forsakenlelouch: dirsakenklelouch nailed it
  13. The quest poring rucksack can be obtained through a quest. I could sell it to you if you want though.
  14. This suggestion is actually pretty helpful, if it wouldn't be asking for too much. +1 With a search engine that allows the users to type in a specific item they're looking for, it could save time for said user (rather than having to look through all of the vends) and it may also help the ones who are vending due to the search engine that would consider all of the vends and not just the ones visible on screen. In addition, people would also be able to compare the prices of the vends with ease, giving both the buyer and the vendor an awareness on the regular price for certain items.
  15. I usually stay at Geffen, but I already tried at Prontera and Forsaken City and it still wouldn't work.
  16. So I have this guild where I have most of my equips stored, but now it wouldn't run. My character would just re-spawn on the town and the game would just crash. I've tried this with other characters and my friend even tried it, yet the game would still crash. I also tried to access some other guild storages but they still work fine. Help?
  17. We're not really quite sure of the pricing here on FRO, but we've seen some Odium cards at 25m each and Hollowring cards at 125m each
  18. Some friends asked me to sell for them. 2 Thanatos Odium Cards and a Hollowing Card
  19. Buying a Wrench (from RSX - 0806) for the Elite Bullet Quest
  20. So all of the quests are good and all, but is anybody having storage difficulties? Please tell me I'm not the only one struggling to keep my stuff below 600 I'm aware of the existence of guild storage, but it's kind of an inconvenience compared to the normal storage (having to go to a town and go to the Kafra unlike the regular storage, which you could open almost anywhere). And I don't know all of my guild mates yet, so I'm not sure if I can put my stuff there Just a thought
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