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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by MikE~XII

  1. Im in school D= Ill pm you later sorry.
  2. Leave your name thx :p
  3. Yeah this time its for real ;[ Im gonna play Rose now cause Fro is full of assholes now(that's my opinion) :p Accepted Offer and will get a pm later: Fhelm for 300yggtix- iRawr 2x FBH for 68 D qpons and 1 Event- Jayx2 2x Master Forger and 1x Forsaken Kings Boots [270 all]-Crack Baby
  4. MikE~XII


  5. Leave your in game names I might contact you tommorow if I want your offer ;)
  6. Selling: Lower Headgear: 1x Deviling Rucksack 1x Flapping Angeling Wings 1x Flapping Deviling Wings 1x Mythological Wings Headgear: 1x Note Headphones 1x Blank Eyes Forsaken Equipments: 10x Forsaken Armor 8x Forsaken Helm 9x Forsaken Cloack 8x Forsaken Shoes 2x Vit belts 8x Str belts 2x Agi Belts 4x Int Belts 6x Dex Belts Elite Equipments: 1x Forsaken Clown Set w/o weapon 6x 1 hand Pally Spear 1x 1 hand LK Sword 3x Sniper Bow 2x Gunslinger Gun 1x Champ Knuckles 1x Champ Mace 1x Forsaken Katar 5x Forsaken Dagger 1x Priest Book 2x WS Axe 1x WS Dagger Cards: 11x Kiel 17x FBH 6x Tao 7x Gr 5x OL 3x Incan 9x D.Warlord 2x D. Wizard 2x Master Forger 5x WS 1x LK 2x Sinx More shits will be added when I log in.... and leave your offers please ;p
  7. OMG do you still remember me ate Rikki =o?
  8. MikE~XII

    Thanatos Cards!

    Bah they actually nerfed thana and you dont actually need 8k armor. Just wear skolls.
  9. 35 each for fbh o.o Say ur ign if deal ;[
  10. He's like a whore when he backslide man. I got pissed at him yesterday because of that >.>
  11. that's a gm xD
  12. MikE~XII

    Lol Shop ! XD

    50 qpons for note headphones sir ;]
  13. MikE~XII

    Lol Shop ! XD

    Thx homo
  14. MikE~XII

    Lol Shop ! XD

    Go in game and lets talk I SELL it for "60"
  15. MikE~XII

    Lol Shop ! XD

    Nope take it or leave it
  16. MikE~XII

    Lol Shop ! XD

    Fine ill sell it to you for 60 >.>
  17. MikE~XII

    B>f pieces

    Bump for madox /gg
  18. MikE~XII

    Lol Shop ! XD

    S>GS pistol 70 qpons ;]
  19. Hey welcome to forsaken RO =o Um i think you can hunt those cards.
  20. MikE~XII


    How come he didnt die >.>
  21. MikE~XII

    -Forum Vend-

    Can i buy the 1 hand LK sword pl0x =D
  22. MikE~XII


    QQ oh shit that chick on your sig is creeping me out btw welcome to Forsaken RO.
  23. Try to fight my gs and we will see who's a weak class ;]
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