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About Endou

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Damn.. im so blind lmao! thanks alot bro
  2. okay i'm having problems returning these items to the knight 400 Feathers 300 Iron 100 Soft Silks 100 Bags of Grain 100 Coals 50 Delivery Packages (dropped by Alice) 50 Dried Fruit Boxes (dropped by Aliza) 50 Roast Rice Cakes (dropped by Rice Cake Boy)[/size] 25 Flavored Alcohol (dropped by Evil Nymph)[/size] 25 Bags of Gold Coins (dropped by Goblin MI #1122) 10 Battered Kettles 1 Oridecon Anvil (dropped by Howard Alt-Eisen) I've done everything it says on the quest, but when im turning in these stuff im getting this (picture in spoiler) Thief dude (pic in spoiler) EDIT: i did the thief part multiple times to make sure... and been doing this since this morning. EDIT: SOLVED. Thanks Kayl21
  3. Hello fRO community! My IGN is Endou, I'm not really new to the game since i used to play this game a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago. I recently came back to the game 2days ago, and so far so good! Really looking forward to seeing everyone in game. ;)
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