Dude, this isn't a primary MvP server <_<
Also UglyDuckling is right, Abysmal Knight card isnt rare, the only rare cards are some of the MvP cards that like increase demi-human damage.
If you're going for PvP I would indeed recommend Daggers. I can assume that you don't have alot of monye so I'll make this a cheap set-up.
Probably the best dagger without it being a Forsaken Dagger(upwards 90 coupons) would be the Sandstorm. Skeleton Generals drop them at a 10% rate in gld_dun01, so get 2 of those if you can.
Dagger 1: Sandstorm with 2 Goldenring cards, 1 Phreeoni Card, 1 Skeleton Worker Card
Dagger 2: Sandstorm with 2 Goldenring cards, 1 Skeleton Worker, and 1 Civil Servant.(WARNING!: On the map, these things are called Mao Guai, but they drop Civil Servant cards)
Skeleton Workers can be found at mjo_dun03, their everywhere so you should not have a problem finding em.
Civil Servant can be found at lou_dun03, their a bit more uncommon, but just keep warping around and you're bound to find one.
The only reason I put a Phreeoni card up there is because if you don't have one, it will be much harder hitting people constantly. Right now they cost about 45-50 coupons. If you can't afford it, just put another Civil Servant card in it's place.
I hope this helps! Also, if you need help with gears and whatnot, or need a more expensive(but better) set-up, Just PM me in-game, I'll be sure to help you out ^^