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Forsaken Elite
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About Cyconsupersonic

  • Birthday 01/18/1992

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chesterton, IN
  • Interests
    My interests are mainly drums. I also play some video games and obviously FRO lol

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Cycon X
  • Guild
    Bat Country

Cyconsupersonic's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Pwn to all that have Irish Hats xD
  2. Welcome back :p You can't say Merry Christmas? Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?
  3. Okay, I donated for a Green Myth Aura a couple of months ago and I love it! Since it's like the only one in the server, I feel really important when I wear it xD But I wanna upgrade to a RoP and I wish to sell it, but I can't since there's a flag on it to make it untradable. I was wondering when, if ever, is this flag going to be removed so I know. Cause if it isn't going to removed ever, I can just deal with it and cut my loses. Thanks to whoever answers!
  4. I voted for other Myth aura since it's badass xD Also, what does the Raccoon tail do? Is it just for show cause if it is, it's hawt :o
  5. Oh lol, I thought it was a wing xD My bad, didn't know it was a bow Dx
  6. Ixion wings? Pic plz :)
  7. The reason you cannot equip them is probably because you either don't meet the level requirement, or maybe the item hasn't been identified yet. If it's the latter, then you can buy an item caled an "Magnifier" and use it on the dagger, then it'll be usable. If it's the level thing, then go level xD
  8. Yes, the desert wind and the sandstorm are the same thing. and there are easier daggers, but I just prefer the Desert Wind. In this server, there is a LOOOONG quest to become "elite". When one becomes elite, they get +200 status points(not stats lol) and they have the ability to stat another, even LOOOONGEEEEERR quest. With that you can get equipment based on the calss you completed with. you can refer to VapoRub's master guide to custom items and search "Forsaken Assassins Cross Dagger" Link to VapoRub's guide
  9. Sorry for the Double-Post, but blueapples doesn't play on this server. I mean yeah it's a good MvP card guide, but this server is basically all about PvP. I mean if you wanna MvP, then yes follow his guide. But if your into PvP, check out the other guide posted on the forums.
  10. Dude, this isn't a primary MvP server <_< Also UglyDuckling is right, Abysmal Knight card isnt rare, the only rare cards are some of the MvP cards that like increase demi-human damage. If you're going for PvP I would indeed recommend Daggers. I can assume that you don't have alot of monye so I'll make this a cheap set-up. Probably the best dagger without it being a Forsaken Dagger(upwards 90 coupons) would be the Sandstorm. Skeleton Generals drop them at a 10% rate in gld_dun01, so get 2 of those if you can. (PvP) Dagger 1: Sandstorm with 2 Goldenring cards, 1 Phreeoni Card, 1 Skeleton Worker Card Dagger 2: Sandstorm with 2 Goldenring cards, 1 Skeleton Worker, and 1 Civil Servant.(WARNING!: On the map, these things are called Mao Guai, but they drop Civil Servant cards) Skeleton Workers can be found at mjo_dun03, their everywhere so you should not have a problem finding em. Civil Servant can be found at lou_dun03, their a bit more uncommon, but just keep warping around and you're bound to find one. The only reason I put a Phreeoni card up there is because if you don't have one, it will be much harder hitting people constantly. Right now they cost about 45-50 coupons. If you can't afford it, just put another Civil Servant card in it's place. I hope this helps! Also, if you need help with gears and whatnot, or need a more expensive(but better) set-up, Just PM me in-game, I'll be sure to help you out ^^
  11. Okay me and a few friends are doing like a Christmas present thing. So I thought maybe it would be a good idea to make like an item kind of like a reverse Old Blue Box. It's where you put an item of your choice into a box and give your box to the desired person. It just seems like it gives the surprise element to Christmas =] People will probably say something like "Oh, what if you give the wrong box to the wrong person!<!!?!?!" Well I thought of that, maybe when you put an item in the box, it asks you to put the name of the person reviving it. I don't even know if this is possible, but it sure would be awesome!
  12. Cyconsupersonic


    It's kk. You can still get a Rucksack or an emp and sell it for a RoP. So unintentionally, you are WoEing for a RoP, just not directly :p
  13. Cyconsupersonic


    ^ Didn't know this, thought it was only a Donation Exclusive for like 2 weeks :o Shows how much I know :suicide_anim:
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