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Forsaken Elite
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Areen last won the day on January 12 2017

Areen had the most liked content!

About Areen

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Areen's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Areen

    Looking For Guild

    Where are u from? if u r sinx i can help/guide u.... like every RO have different items my guild name is TSB( the street breaker ) I normally speak english bcoz i m from india... I cant add u in guild but can add u as frnd.... normally evry one kill der own like solo for MVP. so u dont need ne guild. but its all ur wish..
  2. i also have the same question i tried 7 times but it was occupied. :(
  3. 400 for mask reply here
  4. Areen

    B> Rop 1.2k Fixed

    want want want
  5. Left : phone Right : water bottle I can only drink xD :P
  6. Areen

    B> Rop 1.2k Fixed

    still waiting to buy
  7. Areen

    B> Rop 1.2k Fixed

    B> ROP 1.2K fixed Red / White color preferred.
  8. Areen

    S> +10 Skull Cap

    S> +10 Skull Cap.. no rush.
  9. B>Tanee card no OP pls B> Forsaken king set. no OP pls leave your IGN with offer.. thanx in advance
  10. yes..!!! this sounds good.. and please take your time...
  11. Buff people they will become your friend.... becoz we need priest.. xD
  12. +++++1
  13. offer ?
  14. by cape but i dont knw the $... xD
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