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Forsaken Elite
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Spitfire last won the day on June 9 2014

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  1. i had this problem before, just go to ForsakenRO folder then find Patcher double click it and let it patch if done try to reopen the patcher again and see if it still updates.
  2. try to wait for GM Genesis in go 25 or visit him time to time just show your ticket number when you donated the item to gm and he will give it to you :D
  3. Welcome back ^_________________^ and don't get ban again XD jk
  4. i really do wanna help, if i can be an official helper for this FRO ragnarok for it i will do it. i know alot of botters and where they bot and determine if it's a bot or not. especially im familiar with CHEAT ENGINE cuz i had played in internet cafe and know alot of people use those stuff and yes i experience it myself but in *other server* so i can really help. give me some time to search for those SS pictures(got so many) i will send it to you "sir senior Gm" and thank you
  5. i really hate to open this topic again cuz of my old post was ignored and shut down with disagreements. after reading all the comments back at my thanatos room suggestion. i realize that some of you people "really doesn't have any clue at all!! about cheat engines" i played ragnarok for 11 years different types of ragnarok servers and the cheats are all the same. example: BOTS, RPE , WPE, DUP and many more ETC. Guys, please for those who doesn't CHEAT please come to your senses why SAME NAME appears all the time when defeating thanatos or people who are using ALTS just to get inside thanatos room again. their using CHEAT APPS, i'm not sure what they are using but they CAN SET IT TO MILISECONDS TO AUTO ENTER like PROGRAM THE CHEAT ENGINE just to go inside LIKE A SPAM. i can't ignore this anymore seriously, this has to be done. "for the love of the game" i really hope this can be change this system of going inside thanatos room, cuz even if those guys get banned theirs TONS of them out there. (if this thread is not enough to convince you people about CHEAT SYSTEM OF THANATOS ROOM, email me [email protected] i'll show you the HARD EVIDENCE) i can't post the evidence here due to some confidential reasons.
  6. HAHAHHAA WTF LOL!HHHAHAHAHAHA MY GOSHHHHHHHHHHH~ >______________> how do you even get turned on by this music when doing PK/PVP
  7. If you read your case carefully the problem here is not about @ali Essence Of Fire not being seen on PARTY log / Battle log *where you can see all the drops EXCEPT for EOF. As you mentioned, your party doesn't @autoloot 100 when killing DETALE and uses @ali Essence of Fire so that means your group mates is not respecting the group RULES and abuses to do the same *all the time* i really advice you to SOLO when hunting DETALE or FIND another group. *not PDS* but seriously the PROBLEM IS YOUR GROUP! who doesn't @autoloot 100 *who wants EOF for themselves*
  8. PlagueFest is this accurate? >______<
  9. i hope gm genesis will see this thread XD SLOTTLED WINGS PLIX!! ;3
  10. why not ;3 ^____________^
  11. this is pretty exciting. i have been wanting to *use wings with slot and good status* means something worth using even in PK/PVP/MVP. i'm sure this will be implemented if we get many more supports. i'm really excited for this slotted wings (lower part*
  12. that's really nice to. but it would be so nice that the slotted wings of that different status should be usable like L.Balloon stats. *they use L.Balloon always cuz of its good stats.
  13. took so long for my to gather up all the requirements for friggs and finally i was in the point of making it. at some point at "kings quest to kill the forsaken KEEPER" i am stuck. as in the king told me the beast wasn't killed = means i am not done with the quest but no matter how i come back to go inside there's no more boss to be killed. worst part is i even tried to farm again 1k chiv and 1 brave warrior but the Knight only ate all that and the boss didn't showed up. i wasted 2k chivs and 2 brave warrior and i cannot finish my frigg quest....
  14. i really have the same problem with this... i was doing frigg quest yesterday and it took me like forever to gather all frigg requirements now im stuck on "kings part" where you have to kill the keeper and report it back to the king. i did the right thing and nothing happend. worst part is!! i even farmed 1k CHIVS again and 1 brave warrior and gave it to the Knight of the king and he took it from me " i went in back and the keeper didn't showed up" this is kinda tiring so tiring. 1k chivs is really not easy to farm not to mention the "excitement on finishing my frigg quest and now its delayed"... i really want my 2k chivs back and 2 brave warrior if possible....
  15. I really believe that having Slotted wings with same stats of L.Balloon will be so much cooler. (any wings should do) more choices to put on lower equip on your character. this will really add excitement to FRO. hope i can get some support on this and i strongly believe this will add good spice to the game. thanks ^_______________^
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