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Everything posted by Enigmashadow

  1. Whenever I have icons on the right side of the screen (such as after eating food, or using skills) I hover over them, but I don't see the duration timer appear. Any solutions or tips? Thanks in advance.
  2. Awesome. I should be on around that time, but if not I'll catch you another time. Thanks again for having me.
  3. Hi. I have a lighter semester than usual, so I decided I'd have time to play RO again. I haven't played in years, so I'm a bit rusty, but I tend to know how things work. I'm mostly interested in you guild because it's exactly what I'm looking for. Something casual where I can just chat or goof off with others. Also, the name. If you still have room, I'd love to be a part of it.
  4. Man, I always end up playing RO at the most random times in my life. Anyways, I'm a bit rusty, but it's like riding a bike I guess. I'm really just looking for a group of people to chat and goof around with. Never did a WoE or GvG before, so I'd like to try that too. Also, any good casual guilds looking for a new member? Nice to meet you all.
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