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About foureyedpeace

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Novice (1/10)



  1. yeah i know.. but in terms of ruining the natural economy of the game is a different story. maybe you played here long enough to be not affected of that problem. just think outside of the box. think for new players, do you feel what we felt when times that we think we cant get any of those cards, feeling that we maybe try to start moving to other server that has a balance economy. and i don't say to sympathize with us. im just saying that guys "wake up" you're not the only one playing in this server stop making fun out of newbies because they cant afford anything. i been farming and farming to make weapons and any legendary items for weeks, and i cant even buy a single kiel because of no stock now in market and the price is insanely went high day by day. and yeah for Rayray said we can hunt mvp's, look man i have friends in game and we are hunting mvp's the funny thing is when we see mvp there are guild that killing it// take note its a whole guild. and funny thing is they laugh at us and say noob.
  2. ^_^ thank you GM i hope it will be more fun for newbies like me to play when you done on what you are doing. and thank you all guys who support and agreed on my post..
  3. people are going crazy for a card these days.. "Kiel card" when i 1st play here its only 85token now it went to 100 and a possibility of becoming much higher.. reason of this crisis is because someone is buying all kiel cards in the server named Respetadong Hudas,i heard he owns large amount of kiel cards.. i guess he dosnt have any use of his token or whatever his reason is.. the thing is people are having hard time to own one.. like for example me, im new in this server and im not a donator either, even i tried to hunt it, but there's a single guild camping on boss maps, its not only kiel map but all mvp maps :( so sad.. doesnt give chace to those new player.. and the most annoying is cards price went insanely high.. c'mon guys if you see this thread give chance to ppl stop ruining the economy, what if all new ppl leave the server? all left are all geared ppl that aint gonna be fun at all.. im not writing this for personal grudge.. this is just for you guys to realize to stop being selfish and give other a chance.. its not that hard to do right? sorry for wrong spellings/grammar. im not good at english!.
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