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About kuchenkx

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. i know. but some said 4 abysmal not gonna work.. some said its work. but thanks tho. :th_meow:
  2. can i request for this? .. we can summon any mvps (no drops) just to test dmg to it.. its hard when u have to find mvp (which alwys none) just bcause u need to try few thing with weapons and card effect.. Mvp room is kinda overprice if u only need to try dmg and u can only summon few mvps. P/S: R.I.P english.. sry :th_blush: :th_heh: :th_meow:
  3. Ty so much for infos... <3 <3 <3
  4. are there any special map to farm yggdrasil seed?.. all i know is yggdrasil berry dungeon. and some said seed got lower weight compare to berry but at item description, both got the same weight (30 each).. :th_hmm:
  5. low then 20.. cause i autoloot at 10%.. xD just take 2 day to finish the quest tho.. no so hard.. =D
  6. well.. i think its good that way. if the drop rate are at 100%.. people wont bother to buy any Mythical flame. now i can see people still buy it at 15~20 token. well. i think its still easy to farm there.Just use GTB or if u cant afford it use fire armor/pasana (i think) card such. unlike Bio4 ( to make LHz aura and yes that place fcking hard for me.. ) :th_swt3: ...
  7. Sory, im still new in this server/forum. im sure someone already ask about this but i cant find it. so back to the question. what the different between legendary arrow and normal arrow?.. :th_hmm: :th_hmm: :th_hmm:
  8. thanks... helps alot. =)
  9. How to get quest poring rucksack? r there any quest for it or u can only get it from purchase (tokenshop) .... P/S : people on this server totally ignore newbie. its really pathetic cause i need to make a forum to ask a simple question.. :th_pif:
  10. what types of mobs in there actually?. hp/dmg of mobs.. boss type or normal.. wish i cud join 1 raid for experience. but people dont care about newbie unless u have full set..
  11. urgh.. so no then.. =) .. thanks for info.
  12. its ok to play with dual client right?.. what if i play with 1st client and the 2nd client i let it afk at any map + dark lord card to farm certain drops. does it still consider as illegal? . i dont wan my acc to get banned cause doing it so i ask 1st.
  13. Buying Hero's remain with zeny.leave nick ill pm. pls.
  14. How to vending in market place?. do we need to online or u can loggoff while your character still on vending mode? help pls.
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