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Everything posted by seth7777

  1. uhm, can u give us the list?
  2. Greed is greed, there is no solution for it. :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok: patience will now cure anything as well because everyone has adopted to higher prices. one day item prices will sky rocket to the point that no one will buy them. Sellers will then lower their prices and the economy will stabilize afterwards. ..maybe after the price of tgk has reached 200! hahahaha! :th_e4:
  3. I thought silver kiel card limit was just 2?
  4. what other cards can I use except kingring?
  5. does TG work on Wizards? what cards should I put on my L.wiz staff? sorry I'm new to ragna so I don't really know much. Help would be greatly appreciated. :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok:
  6. At max level and job level, you can max out all the skills you have so basically the skill tree system doesn't really matter because you don't have limited number of skills points. About the skills tabs, I really don't know if they have this function here. I'd like to know more about that too. :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok:
  7. they really drop mini boss cards? are you sure? Can anyone else confirm this? if this is true, then hunting OCA is good.
  8. does OCA drop boss cards or mini-boss cards here at F.RO? I'm a bit curious :th_ok:
  9. now that explains everything!!! thanks for your help guys! very much appreciated :th_e31:
  10. hmm that's weird.. what cards do you use? I tried using metaling card for strip weapon (4pcs) but it wont proc strip weapon. I also tried using wikebine tres but also didn't work. can you give me any tips?
  11. ^nope. I tested it on a friend. has anyone used a card with strip effects effectively?
  12. I tried using cards that strip weapon and armor but why aren't they working? Are the effects disabled in FRO?
  13. wow nice one, I didn't know that. so there ARE other uses for forsaken tokens :th_ok:
  14. When placing boss cards on armor, does their effects stack? :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok: example: having 2 GR or deviling
  15. I think its the only place to get that knd of stuff. if you have zeny just buy them from the market.
  16. forsaken king room? how do I do that? does he give quests that reward f.king helm? :th_e14:
  17. i have a few noob questions, can anyone help me? 1. how to you USE forsaken tokens? what can I purchase with them? I've been to the token traders but the only thing I saw for forsaken token use was the renter. others only accept event tokens, GVG, BR, ect.. 2. how often do bosses spawn? I once killed an ifrit and after 30+ mins killed another one (both no card drops, poor me). was that some glitch? 3.how do I obtain F.king helm? it's not in the vote rewards section. Where do I get it? thanks for your help guys! peace out! :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok:
  18. uhm, how do we know that they are bots?
  19. yes you are right but the drop chance for the said cards is just 20%. I hope they can at least increase the drop rate to 30%. 20% is too low I think.
  20. why are the drop rates for salamander and kasa cards so low?I am having avery hard time with quests because of the low drop rate. I find it hard to hunt on the thor dungeons because of the mobs. any suggestions?
  21. is there a way to counter the effects of GTB? some ROs have provided a way to nerf or lower the effect of GTB by 50% (a card that allows 50% magic damage to hit the target even with GTB, ect..). I think a card that is a BIT op and is almost always available in the market has made Wizards unnoticed in battle.
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