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About viruz0092

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Novice (1/10)



  1. yeah they should lower the price cuz other player camped all MVP field bosses and new players are bullied and gank by these other players who are greedy to MVP... then they will sell to poor players the loot for OVERPRICE..... Make action of it GM... if not it obviously they need.....?? no offense this is what i reviewed to this server as a PH ex GM or RO
  2. GM can u lower the price of MVP room cuz its so expensive and it drop rate is so low(it is like a scam of zenny).... then make add some boss like detale or some other MVP Thnx for reading this and if it is a good idea..
  3. GM What is the name of the Starting NPC? is it BALDR? cuz in the posted storyline it should be started in capital of midgard called Prontera but there is none... i check it 5 times
  4. Are the NPC relocated? Gm how about give us a hint or a starting point only and nothing follows?
  5. Can anyone help me in build in equipment in bow type? newbie here ... many things are different in this server thnx XD
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