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About chrischewclh

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  1. might need to re-download and install again
  2. Once again I say please do focus on drawback that i suggested e.g. not immune to freeze, not immune to magic, unable to wield shiled(must empty 2 hand for 30sec-1min in order to wear katar), Receive more damage when wearing it (Stormy knight/garm card become usefull/ more wide area magic player). Really wonder why you still didnt get my point haha. By the way you are really an anti sinx player haha, just give your -1 vote enough already. Anyways, really grateful for your response.
  3. i suggest treasure box
  4. P3WP3W 2snb with full eq to kill OP? didnt you see the difficulties for sinx to even use snb? didnt you see the disadvantage of sinx if the effect of what I said applied (more vulnerable/ easier to kill when wear katar)? you only see what is going to make sinx strong in killing by using snb, Please focus on drawback as well. No offense. I am doubting are you an sinx player? or you are a player who are anti sinx? if 2snb kill is OP, then how about 1 asura kill? doesnt it consider OP? lol I am just suggesting to make sinx more intresting. My point of view is, there is less/almost none snb sinx in town nowadays. (Doesnt include dual wield Sinx/ emperium breaker sinx (Guild War)). My suggestion is to boost the player of playing snb (not making dual wield sinx stronger). If what I said Applied, The player who are playing wide area magic definitely will increase as well.
  5. GM cannot make cursed water as valuable as epd. it would give the advantage for those who already have thousand or millions of cursed water in their storage/.(multiple id) Conclusion: it will just directly boost their income (tokens), which result in inbalance(scam) of in game money lol
  6. Slow damage wont kill people and SNB 8k per hit berry will be enough to heal. My suggestion is to make snb to have the ability to instant kill within 1-2 snb? like other character which can kill single opponent instantly, Part of my suggestion also can include those who desired to go for the special katar that i requested wouldnt be able to wear shield. it also can have the effect of "in order to be able to wear that katar to snb, wearer must empty its two hand for 30 second/1minutes" that means even wearing shield and get near to target is useless cause there arent able to change into katar directly without going through that grace period. Hope Gm would get an idea on how to improve the katar throughout our conversation.
  7. soul link need the help of others, by the way i would rather go for normal one without soul link. or GM even can made soul link disable for that katar wielder. my point is others character would not even need the support e.g. soul link from other character also can kill ppl easily. why would it need sinx snb to go through so much troubles? and Soul link can be dispel also.... conclusion, for sinx snb lover, it is really troublesome, soul link have time limitation as well. if what you said is really supported by GM then I would rather want GM to add permanent soul link effect to the player who wield the katar e.g. (L.KATAR) for encouragement of playing snb sinx.
  8. Nowadays, Sinx Katars e.g. legendary weapon / or what so ever weapon for using sonic blow is definitely had been abandon as what I see, there isnt anyone willing to spend/donate on playing Sinx SNB because of our Game concept for SNB is totally making us do not even want to try it. I have a suggestion for our GM. Why dont we boost the usefulness for Katar. e.g. boost the damage for L.katar on SNB, but at the same time make it 2 hand wielded so that ppl cannot use Shield/GTB. thus, Player SNB are at least 40%++ more vulnerable because they cannot wield shield and They will become totally vulnerable to magic attack (wide area magic definitely will hit it) (It also will encourage more wiz in pvp). (if you still feel too OP, you also can make L.katar unable to immune to freeze when wearing it , e.g. all immune freeze effect will be deleted when wearing that katar) (Garm Card Wearer Player have advantage) As what i see SNB must be cast at very close range. if SNB can 1 hit kill, then by making it 2 hand wielded weapon, even long range skill player such as magic player are able to kill sinx without much geared. SNB player will feel the difficulties on getting close to another player (BTY- More SNB Sinx, Encourage ppl to use the card to see invisible player). If Our GM still thinking SNB player are still too OP, why dont we make Katar wielder to receive 30% more damage from demi human when wearing it? Please Consider My suggestion on Boosting SNB Player.
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