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Invidia1988 last won the day on February 20 2014

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About Invidia1988

  • Birthday 04/29/1988

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    Zodiac Questing

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  1. I have all the books for the library npc, I went to all the locations numerous times and the npc won't take the books, or give anything other than "I wish I had more books" I have been stuck on this quest for the last few days... so I need some help on what to do. My name in game is Invidia1988
  2. I am mostly aiming for an MVP crit sinX build. I ended up taking down the RSX 0806 a while back but I realized I needed a change for it. My current build for my stats Str - 200 - ATK - (837 + 70) Agil - 200 - Flee - (512 + 20) (Aspd 195) Vit - 80 - (Def 41 + 93) Int - 2 - (Matk 3 ~ 3) (Mdef 10 + 3) Dex - 101 - (Hit 366) Luk - 176 - (Crit 58) I should have posted this x.x; In numbers which should be changed around. And for cards Head - Two Kiels Lower Head- Sunglasses with a Nightmare card for immunity to sleep. Armor - RSX - 0806 - Can't be knocked back. (Great for dealing with those arse snipers in Bio labs 3.) And Evil Druid Card for armor enchanted with undead property. (I actually hope to get my hands on Gloom cards for the ghost property.) Cloak - Forsaken Knight Cloak Shoes - Shadow Walk Accessories - Brooch with Horong card for sight use. Ring with Bloody Butterfly for Spell flow. Weapons - Bloody Tear Katars with two Abysmal Knight cards and the kats are at 10+ I saw alot of different guides when it comes to building more of a dex build but I don't see much on crit builds. I like crit builds and when I was on higher rates that had a max of 999 for job and stats I would be able to max more out in my agil, str, luk, dex, and vit. I didn't worry so much after a while with Int but the other four were essential and after a good number for Vit I didn't die as much. Here I have to calculate my numbers better and see what works best. I roam normally avoid other players in the fields since half the time they're wizards... and storm gust spam and or fire bolt... So also the second part of this is enough to stay alive through the side random kills too. I know nothing is great when it comes to Thana wielders and no matter of builds Thana card wielders will kill me every time. I really like being a SinX they're alot of fun with the crit builds and the full "waterfall" effect of the crit hits flying.
  3. Invidia1988

    Sinx Builds

    In short. I keep dying. I don't have the great things that prevent my death so what is a good build? I have been doing a crit build and it hasn't been working so what is better? And what will keep me from dying...
  4. Thank you ^^ Alright I had just literally tried that and it says Item not in my inventory. When it is in the inventory and I inputted the ID number. Alrighty nvm I got rid of it. The ID was different than the other one. resolved issue~
  5. I have a sprite issue with a Hyegun hat I got from a drop. It won't let me sell it, or drop it. When clicked on it goes halfway up the screen and well I have been having issues with just wanting to be rid of the item. Normal methods don't work. o_o; Any other ways I can take the item out of my items?
  6. As the title says I am just giving these away so if there is one you want just send me a whisper. Singing flower - Rockers Dew Laden Moss - Spore Well-dried bones - Desert Wolf pup Sweet potato - Smokies Bitter Herb - Poporing Rusty Iron - Steel Chonchons Earthworm dude - Pickys Silver knife of chastity - Sohee Orc Trophy - Orcs. Red Forbidden Candle - Zealotus Fat chubby worm - Pecos Deadly Noxious Herb - Poison Spores Sweet milk - Savage Babe Orange Juice - Drops Unripe Apple - Poring Girl's Naivety - Incubus Tantan noodle - Green Maiden Rainbow Carrot - Lunatic I also have the eggs of Dokebi Steel Chonchon Hunter Fly and Isis Bapho-Jr. So for the eggs if you want one feel free to bug me and I'll be in town for those who want the items. I will just give most of these away. But for pets like Incubus, and Green Maidens their food is sold specifically at the store from the forsaken knight quest. I don't recommending owning these ones unless you have completed that quest, and the Dr. Bones quest also. Their items are expensive too at 10,000 a piece. Taming items run at 2 mil each in the stores but most of these you can find in specific dungeons. But I already have them and they're free to whomever wants them. x.x; I am too generous for my own good but these take up space in my storage and may as well go to someone who wants the pet. Take them. I can also go out and hunt them if you want. So bug me my in game tag is Invidia1988.
  7. Thanks x.x Things on this server different than other places. Still getting use to that bot check pop up during my fights. and Bishop your signature is hilarious.
  8. Pfft.. hello. I like to tame creatures... I am a return player from other servers, I stopped playing like 7-8 years ago and came back to playing last week. Already level capped. o.o I like assassins. I like this server alot. Still challenging while not like the super high rates where boom you are done... I randomly roam. So chances are I will be between Glast Heim Chivalry/prisons churchyard, and Sograt Desert fields 11 - 12. I keep to myself so I do not like you high wizards who randomly off me. Yeah you know you. The ones who spam the storm gusts and lord vermillion across the place. And happen to chase me. I am very passive aggressive.. The only time I seek anyone out to kill me is after I am orc faced from the demons in Gefenia, or Odin's Temple. My IG name is Invidia1988. SinX with usually a Zealotus behind me. I am trying to breeze through the forsaken quest so I can get to the pet quests. However. Those that see me feel free to ask me for a pet. I have taming items and eggs. I'm a very simple player. I do like Forsaken's server very well. I have also voted and left a review for it on ratemyserver.net I like the Dice event and so far guess that monster games. PS. If anyone needs help in leveling, I can offer to help level people up through a party, they sit in a random corner while I kill things. I can more than do that for others. And of course I put this in the wrong place... meant to put this in Introductions. But either way. Need a monster I can probably get it with the taming items I have. Unless you are a sage then well you can get it with abracadabra.
  9. I am kind of reluctant to log out or X out. Due to a small pop up window that came on after I had to refresh my game after level capping. It said "On the next log in your stats will be resetted." What does this mean? I just reached 255 on both base and job. I really don't want to have to re-level all over again. I had to refresh due to my game bugged out and now I am kind of... "what now." My in game name is Invidia1988 and am an sinX. So what do I do. Is it something to blow off or need to catch as a bug? If it is for a bot check I assure I am not a bot.
  10. I know the move camera thing. The issue was that the chat boxes move and there were a few directly over the warper. x.x
  11. In all respects I can't get to the warper anymore. Why not move the chatterboxes to the Tavern or put them in a spot much like the vendor malls.
  12. Where can I find the items and where can I buy them? I'm looking for taming items...
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