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About Xlessa

  • Birthday 07/06/1986

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Xlessa's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Can I come, too? I need a place to stay! I can cook! Pleeeeeeeeaaaase? I'll be nice! Well, maybe. No promises. Ummm, I at least won't hurt anyone. Too much. :)
  2. Oh ho! Thank you for the warning :) Can never be too careful, haha!
  3. Hm hm...you tempt me, sir :3 I do like cookies... But internet cookies are more often a lie than cake! How can I trust you?
  4. I love shenanigans! It's one of my very favorite past times :)
  5. lol I know how you feel :) I played since middle school and high school and now, being graduated and working, find myself drawn to the old addictions of the past. So far, this server feels interesting, I usually like much smaller servers, but there's a lot going on here :P
  6. haha, only looking for in game friends, I have plenty IRL, just a guild to join :)
  7. Hey everyone :) Been playing for a couple days now, and I need friends! I don't play a whole lot, but I can see myself logging on maybe once a day or a few times a week. I'm not huge in PvP anymore (I used to be good, but now there are a whole lot of new variables and I've forgotten so much), but I'm just looking for people to hang out with.
  8. Sooooo yeah, I guess the last time I played RO was back when you had to pay to play the legit server (though I still played private servers... shhhh don't tell anyone haha). Thought I'd pick up the game I used to play in high school because my friends bore me and real life is boring right now. So how do you play this game anymore! :P
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