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About Tanais

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Tanais's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. There's this part of the about section that bugged me a while ago and made me leave the server: I came into the server, in part, because of that single line for there are usually lots of visually calling donation-only gear and It has gotten really tiring to see that the only way to obtain any gear I might want is by opening my wallet. As I started playing I found a couple of donation items that I quite wanted, so, I looked around for the way to obtain them and this was the answer I received: So, as I'll be around for a little I wanted to know what it was, is the information about the server misleading or I missed someway of attaining donation items?
  2. Hmm, a shame that the items that called my attention were both donation-only. But fair enough, have a good evening, thank you for answering.
  3. So, I've been looking around the Wiki, FAQ, and diverse rewarded items pages but I can't seem to find the two items I'm looking to obtain anywhere but through donation. They are: Kitty Ears, and, Kitty claws. May anyone be as kind as to tell me how to obtain them besides donating? ______ Edit: I just noticed that a wild H ran away from my title. My apologies.
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