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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by mikeredh24

  1. just disregard this post, xD, they're just manipulating the peeps to make the EOF price higher, come on bro kelay stop it, I saw one of your mvp peeps selling eof,
  2. I have 2 eofs remaining in my storage, haha, the MVP parties are hoarding them, just don't buy them OP. it's psych war.
  3. Nice try kelay.. hahaha
  4. +1 to botters
  5. lol funny, they disabled my chatbox lol

    1. Veracity


      We didn't disable anyone's chat box to my knowledge. Are you still experiencing this?

  6. Whoa, a very good idea to spice up the gaming experience. Looove the idea to have cool wings with good effects/same effects with the balloons. +1 to this yow.
  7. boooooooooooooored to deaaaathhhhh. -.-

  8. Got Asgard, still in need of odins avenger
  9. hi junie , can i buy the butt aura for 1k? :)
  10. odins avenger[1.4] and asgard[2.3]
  11. leave price here or pm me ingame HandsomeMe34
  12. me too. not until i opened it. haha
  13. exactly, and to the fact that GMs are busy , they wont be able to track down all those bot users out there. price of zeny rising=price of the cards you'll get inside the Rooms would still be high. win win for the bot users.
  14. that clears out everything, yep i saw that BC too.. so you're not blue star LOL LOL. i even asked if this blue star really is a scammer, then 2 players PMed me saying he borrowed items and never returned them back saying"he got hacked so he won't be able to return the items". anyway, just disregard what i just said.
  15. how'd i know if you were a donor in the first place. lol, i said i was just stating what i saw in in-games' Broadcasts. someone said this "bluestar" im not sure, is planning to scam someone. Then you were explaining yourself there as well XD but lots of players reacted. i myself is against PHPing, im just trying be wary of things.
  16. it does, first of.. you could've advised him the different ways to donate,2nd..you would trust a random guy to pay you after you donate? unless you know him personally and made a deal with him. I heard a totally different story in game stating you were selling some stuff. XD.. you are Blue star right? anyway i was just stating what i saw in game. ayt sarreyyy
  17. lol i know what you're up to, someone just BC'd that earlier XD stating you were scamming, you shoudl've asked first before you've decided anythin like this, ignorance couldn't be exempted you know and this could be tagged as PHPing as well , knowing that you didn't even know the person that you're dealin with. but seriously though, "a guy in facebook"??? wtf, what a coincidence. just a random guy in facebook asked you bout somethin' like that? unless you really made a deal with him in game, told him to add you in facebook and you're just making this to save your ass.
  18. this is what i was suppose to suggest just now XD haha +1 to this,
  19. dude PM me here on in game if you're on. :)
  20. dude, freyrs? can it be w/o ifrit pweeeezzz :) 1.9
  21. Well.. first of... this is a pk server. second. if you aren't geared enough yet. then you don't have to do MVP hunting. go farm stuff to get your gears. then MVP hunting will follow. i know. 'cause i've been in that very same situation. :)
  22. wtf.. are those for real ? 12 thana cards? OMG
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