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inthisfairland last won the day on October 23 2013

inthisfairland had the most liked content!

About inthisfairland

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  1. Thank you, guys. C: I'll just have to try again, I guess. Haha.
  2. Recently killed Lost Dragon, trying to get Hero's Remain for the L. Weapon quest, but it dropped nothing besides ten Sneaky Stranger's Skull. Is this the same thing as Hero's Remain?
  3. Thank you to everybody for your kind welcomes. C:
  4. Hello! I was out in man_fild03 today, fighting some Hillslions, and was perplexed to find them dropping an item called "Heal Amount3." I searched for it in the item database, and did a @whodrops on it, but both times the item was considered invalid. Although it's filed in the etc. portion of the inventory, I decided to double-click it based on its item description. When I did, a small menu screen appeared, which looked like: It says to insert card, and I'm fairly curious, so I double-clicked a random card from my inventory, which resulted in: However, clicking the OK button after that results in no change. The items weren't compounded, and neither were they removed from inventory as though they'd been destroyed. There appears to be some crafting method involved, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Drag-and-dropping an equip (of the proper type to compound with the card) wasn't possible, and naturally, double-clicking the equip just added it to my character. Selecting cards simply re- moves the prior card in favor of the new one, and the OK button still has no result. TL;DR: I'm really, really curious as to what it's for, but can't seem to figure it out. Maybe I wandered onto part of a quest without realizing it? Does anybody know about this item, or what it's for?
  5. Sure would be great not to be PKed every time I go anywhere or do anything. :/

    1. hiddenpower


      No even more so what I would give not to have a bot everywhere I go to farm...

    2. Veracity


      Inthisfairland: Unfortunately that's a downside of a PK server. Just do your best to ignore it and soon you'll be strong enough to defend yourself. :)

      Hiddenpower: There aren't bots, we released the new botcheck that is 100% impossible for bots to surpass so bots can no longer farm.

  6. I probably should have made my first post here in this subforum, now that I think about it.. However, hello! You can call me K, or any variation of my forum handle (usually I go by "Fair"). The name of my main character on the server is a little hard to type over and over again, but I've added it to my profile here just in case. I am a 26 year old from the U.S. This, I suppose, makes me a great deal older than some of the other users, but I still lack a lot of experience when it comes to the game, so please bear with me. I do not have a guild yet, but this is also because I've never been very interested in PvP, since I am not terribly competitive or anything like that. I mostly stick to questing for items and wandering through all the lovely maps.
  7. Thank you for the quick response. C: It might very well be user error on my part. Admittedly, I don't have any experience with the cooking system even when I played iRO, so bear that in mind. I apologize if it was just me trying to do things backward, or something like that, but thank you all the same for looking into it and being patient with me.
  8. Pardon the question, but-- I began the cooking quest in Prontera City, wherein you converse with an NPC while wearing a chef's hat in order to learn recipes for food-items. Another NPC gives you Outdoor Cooking Kits and asks that you put together all of the recipes for the level one book as a means of showing your skill. However, when I click on Outdoor Cooking Kit to begin cooking, I am unable to add ingredients to the item list in order to cook them, and double-clicking them only results in the use of the item (for example, yellow potion). This may be silly, but does this result from a glitch in the cooking system, is the cooking system disabled on this server, or am I simply going about it completely wrong? Thank you for your time and patience.
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