I'm Lexi, 19 years old, from United Kingdom. This is my first ever server for Ragnarok Online. I have no idea what I'll be doing here but I'll probably cope with it within a few weeks time. I used to play a lot of online games when I was 14 years old but stopped due to personal problems. I hope I'll be seeing friendly people in-game as soon as my download finishes at approximately 30 minutes from now.
I'm somewhat, dyslexic, so pardon my grammar or spelling for most of the times. I'm curious as well on the "Guilds" and "WoE" that this online game is famous of. I've seen a lot of team fights on youtube, and it seems fun. I'll probably play the role of a Support or whatnot. I'm not fast with my fingers (incoming dirty jokes, please don't. XD) so I probably won't be playing any other role aside from that.
Anyways, thanks for reading and taking you time to understand my grammar.
- Lexi