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About AeonSin

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  • Real Name
    Daniel Otto
  • Ingame Character Names
    †Ever Cross†
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Novice (1/10)



  1. AeonSin

    Card Effects

    TALKING IN CAPS MUST REALLY EMPHASIZE YOUR WORDS. Before assuming I'm half retarded, read previous comments. It's already said that I compared differences with the SAME weapon that DIDN'T have doppelganger cards. I even checked the stats, there is absolutely no difference, ASIDE from the difference that wearing a $#@&ing weapon already makes. I wasn't born yesterday
  2. your grammar is alot better than 90% of people who actually play mmo's. Not just ragnarok, I'm talkin like ALL mmo's...so I don't think there is any need for you to be concerned about it ^^ for starters, I'd like to say "Welcome back to the gaming community." I'm confident RO is more unique when it comes to the personalities you'll encounter, but in all reality it's not far different, so I suppose I should also say good luck :3 As for ragnarok, its pretty simple and easy to get on track with when it comes to the need to knows. I think by the end of the week you should easily be maxed level with some good gear and knowledge of where to go/what to do o - o helpful links- https://forsaken-ro.net/about/commands/ commands https://forsaken-ro.net/getting-started/faq/ leveling guide https://forsaken-ro.net/about/events/ events alot of its on the main website :P its rather easy to navigate ^^
  3. AeonSin

    Card Effects

    unfortunately I removed all of the cards from both of the daggers. the damage isn't much of a concern to me as much as the doppel ganger card not providing any attack speed difference. I just tried putting a doppelganger card on a Katar and it still didn't effect my attack speed even in the slightest bit.
  4. AeonSin

    Card Effects

    A) Can you elaborate. What is the max aspd? Because even with two doppelganger cards equiped on gear I have, my aspd is only changed by 1-2 points. B) Full legendary set? I am sorry, I am new to this server. What is considered a legendary set? C) When I max my str, damage isn't low. It's actually quite high, but it is unchanged when I equip a weapon of the same type, but without the cards. none of the cards are even working. infact, when equiped, after comparing stat changes, the daggers with the cards actually DECREASE my stats by a fragment.
  5. AeonSin

    Card Effects

    hello again Forsaken people ^^ I recently put 2 doppelganger cards, 1 bephomet card, and 3 turtle general cards, equally into two 4 slotted daggers. So basically its like this 1st dagger: Doppelganger turtle generalx2 bephomet 2nd dagger: doppelganger turtle general I put the bephomet card into the one with 2 turtle general cards since that would, logically, be the stronger damage...however, I am stumped to see that even when equiped with both of the daggers, my stats do not change what-so-ever. No increased damage, and definitely not increased speed. Isn't dopelganger card suppose to significantly change the attack speed? is it void when putting it into a dagger?
  6. Maybe I should make a signature o , o

    1. Lexi


      I totally agree. thanks for the like. :>

    2. thePast
  7. he's been added, as have the items. I just wanted to check, to make sure I wouldn't be waiting a week or something. Thank you for the understanding and patience guys ^^
  8. yes. I donated a little over 15 hours ago, and even sent the e-mail with the required information...how long does this usually take? I checked the storage every time I got on, still nothing in there either.
  9. I donated a little over 15 hours ago, and even sent the e-mail with the required information...how long does this usually take?
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