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Everything posted by Fate

  1. Fate


    Good luck with your family and the future! Take it easy gramps ;).
  2. True. @Damascus: Man whore* ;D TPBM would love to meet me ;)
  3. False. TPBM believes Fate is his/her hero.
  4. Just to clear things up, there is nothing homosexual about pl0x :)! I see 'pl0x' as a signature, or a verbal flourish in this world of ramp and conformity. You know what? I have no clue what I'm saying.
  5. Nicely done Mike. I should post my picture here someday..
  6. Aslong as I satisfy atleast one person with this event, I'm good. Their own opinions is their own. I cannot change it unless they choose to change it themselves. Anyways... the event is currently under repair to make it better. Expect another test soon :)
  7. Fate

    [ Comment ] Tears

    I don't know what everyone else thinks about it, but I'm feelin' it. Well done.
  8. Hello ForsakenRO community! If you were online today (17:00 Server Time, May 20), [GM]Trochilidae and [GM]Fate (me) hosted a beta test on our latest event, the 'Tro&Fate Argument' Event! The reason why there is the word ‘argument’ in the name is because we can't agree on a name for the event. So, my request from the community is to help us. If you have a proper name for the event, please feel free to post your ideas here. Also, we would like to know if you enjoyed the event and if you have any suggestions to improve the event by posting a comment and voting on our poll. Thank you for your support everyone!
  9. Thankies <3 I gibs you 5 stars but it doesn't work :(

  10. Incantation Samurai and Kiel. Those two are so cool o_o.
  11. Fate

    Tick`s Future Army

    Oh my. I smell Yggdrasil Berry slaves. Nice army lol.
  12. Very nice story. We will continue to grow as a community and rock all other servers so make sure to update it! Then I will spread the name Fate Juice across the world and everyone will know me as the best TLMS commander -laughs-.
  13. Fate

    [ C&C ] Embrace

    You have time to make these random... thingies but you don't have time to make me one :(? By the way, I like it.
  14. Reading Rainbow & Magic School Bus.
  15. Approved. 11/10 keep it up, lol.
  16. -snaps fingers- 10/10 I love it lol. Make a sonnet next please! :D
  17. Sorry to hear you're leaving Damascus. Also, it's obvious Ami is "1 in 900 Billion" but sometimes things just won't swing your way. When you leave and continue with your life keep this in mind, life is short, so whenever there is some chance, take it. Good luck and take it easy Dama. Peace out.
  18. No, I believe the only type of gun not available in the mall are the Grenade Launchers.
  19. The only Grenade Launcher available currently is the Destroyer. You can obtain this Grenade Launcher by hunting Photon Cannon (Not slotted with a 5% drop chance) or Apocalypse (1 Slot with a 1% drop chance.) You can find the location of these monsters by typing @whereis <monster name>. For example: @whereis Photon Cannon. Unfortunately, Photon Cannons do not exist currently, so you will have to hunt for Apocalypse. If you have anymore questions, feel free to post again.
  20. Fate


    Thanks everyone. To be honest, I wanted Tyler to be GM. He was probably the only person I've seen who really wanted the GM position. There's always next time, and enjoy Pennsylvania Tyler! =)
  21. Mmm nice emulators Damascus.
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