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About vashb0x

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  • Real Name
    Andrew Reeder
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vashb0x's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Thank you for welcomes and the information. I'll be sure to use it to my advantage. ^^
  2. Hello, my name is Vashie. (This feels like an Anger Management meeting!) I'm new to this server but have played RO for several years now, as I'm sure everyone else has as well xD. I used to play on a server called SunriseRO until it went down. I've been AWOL from RO for about a year and a half now, and I'm just looking to play casually as far as mvping and pvping goes. My work schedule might interfere with woe but it's always fun to break some emperiums =D. So I'll try to make it on if you invite me to your guild. Say hi if you see me around. ^^ I'm rather friendly. Thank you for reading this =].
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