Safe to say this is a low level looking at that sentence
Just go, no one gives a damn in rl, the tide will continue to roll the same as the sun and moon will continue to fall and rise, your leaving a server, big deal, life moves on, I haven't seen a single other thread here with some little bitch crying about getting dumped, get over it, it's not going to be the last time thats for sure so you may aswell get used to the feeling.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, you certainly aren't going to die from someone you dont know from adam dumping you in a game so forget it, stop dwelling, click the X and continue life towards it's ultimate goal that is death..
From that make what you will, if you decide life sucks then go slit both wrists cos your wasting a space someone could be using to appreciate the small ammount of time we spend here.
Forever yours