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Trece last won the day on February 2 2012

Trece had the most liked content!

About Trece

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Trece

    need help

    Hmm maybe your armor is broke, check if it's name is red.
  2. So server is down i'm bored so... I'll start ^^ 30 Seconds To Mas - The Fantasy.
  3. I don't think that a wipe is nasesary that will scru alot of people that got thier items in hard work like me :P. Edited: When will the server be up again?xD
  4. okey few minutes ago i disconected and when i tried to log in it wrote "Failed to connect to server", does anybody else got the same problem?
  5. Okey earlier this day i summoned a thanatos,...i started killing it and after 13m+hp i died then i retered i started shooting it again and them it just died for no reason it had 40m+ hp left...i got the "MVP" it wrote that i got 1 exp >.<. I don't think that anyone could kill it couse i didnt see anyone could it be a bug?
  6. Trece

    Wassup people :P

    Hey people of ForsakenRO I just joined your server earlier and im hopping to have fun here and meet some new people. My ingame name is Trece so fill free to talk with me.
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