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Everything posted by vovhoangkimvov

  1. Hello there! :D You came at the right time, there is an event for event custom headgear at the moment. Check out Forsaken RO 6th Years Anniversary Update! Enjoy the sever! Hope to see you in game.
  2. When will we expect to hear back from you guys?
  3. Hello, you can find the NPC in the fcity. :) Well, how long it takes really depends on how much you wants it. ^^ The ingredients are not hard, it just takes a lot of patience. Hint: H2O
  4. Hello, Whenever I open fRO for the first time, I can never click on an button start from the login screen. I had to use Enter. But even after I logged in, I cannot move around nor click on any of the option menu.
  5. Hello, The NPC for the quest is right here <link removed> ENjoy!
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