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Everything posted by merongb

  1. still availabale?? got more than 2k E.tokens
  2. merongb

    S>amber Emp

  3. merongb

    S>amber Emp

    Selling Amber Emp 40k Pm Sui<3` will be on on 26th
  4. 40k ...lol
  5. merongb

    B>hero's Remain

    go to mall, they are selling it there
  6. Buying AzureLHZ // +0 Lmt BlueCatEars LEave name and Price
  7. Buying Event Tokens I'll buy bulk Event Tokens in July 3rd Please stop using event tokens for BB, and save them for me. Ingame name : Sui<`
  8. Trading O.Emp to P.Emp + 3k L/N
  9. merongb

    B>o.kitty Ears

    B>Orange Kitty Ear, I need 2 of them I'll be on on 17th~22th. Ingame name : Sui<3`
  10. /sob My holiday has been postponed to 4/4... ill be on that day
  11. As much as I can get. Around 1.5k. So I need to find Etoken Seller who got at least 500.
  12. I need Bulk Etoken for thana Scroll. sry
  13. OMG SkyBlueEmp... Keep ur O.Emp, ill be on in 29th :3
  14. Buying O.Emp / Bulk Etoken [at least 500] / SkyBlueEmp / SnipBlessRing. Sure Buyer, Ingame name Sui, and ill be on in March 27th. Leave Price, sure buyer but not accepting OP seller. Prefer Etoken for 1:3 / O.Emp 7k or 5400+goldRop / SkyBlueEmp 15k?[not sure for this one] / SnipBlessRing 2.4k[fix]. U can still negotiate for the price [Exept the fix one] so free to leave msg here. Thx :3
  15. still got ur emp? ill be on in 3/27 Ingame name : Sui not sure for the price but im really want that color. leave msg here
  16. merongb

    B>teal Emp

    Buying Teal Emp. Leave price and ingame name. Im going to log in in December 26th. Ingame name : Sui`
  17. merongb


    B>O.Emp 4k / P.Emp 3.6k / TealEmp Offer Ingame ID : Sui Leave msg here, ill be on tomorrow
  18. merongb

    S>woe Emp

  19. merongb

    S>woe Emp

    S>SkyBlueEmp Prefer 15k Tokens, but also open to trade. Serious Offer and Sure Buyer only pm Sui<` in forum, or in-game.
  20. all sold, ty
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