Is there a way to handle the mobs on lhz_dun04? I cant even last one second because of the asura strikes. I don't even know how I could get 200 cards of each mob for the LHZ aura quest.
I see. Thanks for the help^^. However, I cant seem to find the npc that does the LHZ aura quest. Not even in the knight hall.
Nvm i think i found him. It's the Stranger npc right? He never says what he makes.
Is there any tricks to this quest? Like you know how @ali memory book doesn't let you loot the unslotted memory book needed for the legendary weapon quest.
I started about a week ago and already done the F. knight quest and legendary weapon quest. What are the best quest-obtainable items are there in this game (especially for snipers). I haven't gone into the token stuff because I don't have the money or the gear to find things to trade tokens with. Pvp and BGs are far off with my current gear. Everyones else seems to have full donation gears and cards and begginers are no match unless they get donation stuff or have the patients to get the money to get tokens..
I was farming some yggdrasilberries at the forsaken dungeon when, as usual, bot check pops up. I quickly did the code like usual and failed all 3 times due to my dam num lock being off. Is there any way to get out of this jail? i've never used a bot in my life and wouldn't even know how to If i had one. My forsaken dungeon ticket and F.knight set is on that char (Albus Magnificus).