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About Kumi

Kumi's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Thank you so much everyone, the problem is fixed and I not stuck in the time warp no more.. =P... thanks all!!!!!!!!!
  2. Thanks.. haha that was the problem.. thanks again!
  3. Hi, could a GM please help me out and teleport me to another place. I was exploring the new Pallet town and when i went into Ash Ketchum's house I was stuck in a loop (character loads into the house and then out of the house .. never ending loop) Could you please teleport me some place else so I am not trap in there? thank you. My character name is: Sushi~ Thanks!
  4. Hi, I am new to this server and I was wondering how I register to play here. I went to the website and register a new account .. but when i went to the game to login, it said: Unregister ID. PLease make sure you have the correct account and you have type in the correct ID. What did I do wrong?
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