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About Chronic

  • Birthday 02/26/1992

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Chronic's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. As in, the person who posted before you xD
  2. haha. Kinda random. Would you KoS the person above you? ;p
  3. Yellowcard - Believe
  4. Chronic

    This or that

    LOL. erm, the teacher one? Depends what teacher ha. This? or That? lol.
  5. Jack Johnson - Sitting, waiting, wishing.
  6. Chronic

    Kids names.

    If you had a kid, what would you call him/her? Just wondering ;p I would call my son dallas, after the singer from alexisonfire :P Its a cool name :)
  7. lol ;]
  8. Lostprophets - I dont know
  9. Pointless topic? :D
  10. LUL I R LEET ARCHER. :mellow:
  11. I was Tutenkhamun fo' sho' . No reason, I just believe that I was. :o
  12. It can sometimes be fun. Press Ctrl+V and see what you had copied on your clipboard xD Mine was: Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's. :P
  13. Busting my arms 3 times. cos now my wrists are full of suck Lol.
  14. Chronic


    But if you did eat it, there would be no tide and the world would collapse upon itself. :(
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