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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Clay

  1. You know, borders don't always have to be black ;] It's pretty good just the head seems a bit detached from the body if you know what I mean o-o 6.5/10
  2. Whether you use it or not, it's up to you. It's probably the opposite of what you want but I had fun making it =p If you have no clue what's going on, it's actually a car crashing into things o-o
  3. Clay

    Bye o_o

    I haven't been active much, I won't be active at all. Spending too much time on the computer has taken over some of my more important priorities. Even though I've only been here for a short amount of time, I loved this server the moment I came in. The friendly community is awesome and the daily events really impressed me as this was the first server where I've seen daily events back to back, I hope this doesn't die. Thanks and Goodbye :] -Clay
  4. Stats wise milotic > all other water pokemon! Thats if we're talking just water only o_o Learn your pokemon! 9.5/10 :]
  5. dig through the grfs;] 9/10 Just cause of the text : x yes im big on text xD
  6. Clay


    http://www.ratemyserver.net that sir, is your new best friend : )
  7. Clay

    Buff bot poll

    After reading through pages and pages filled with essays. I support removing the buff bots but removing buffs once you enter PvP etc, in my opinion just won't work.
  8. If you look closely, you can see a faint gray border : P I think for this type of siggy, the cinematics/film like border where its wider on the sides than on the top would be nice o_o
  9. 8.5/10 Is that a C4D at the right? It doesn't seem to be fitting with the background nicely and seems to clash instead of create flow I may be nit picking but i just dislike outer glow on text : x I really like the ray above the hone text though : )
  10. Clay


    Happy Hppy birthday! : )
  11. End of All Hope - Nightwish
  12. Clay

    Buff bot poll

    I wish if this were the case, people would like not ygg in pvp :( but that's just me. I came from previous servers were potting ygging in pvp was like a taboo so yea I think differently o_o
  13. Clay

    This or that

    Cookies Coke or Pepsi?
  14. Clay

    Buff bot poll

    Can I just point out that CT does NOT reflect? Not taking any sides here but alot of MMOs like RO is a complicated game of rock paper scissors. Some classes just beat others fair and square because it's how they're designed. If you're talking about balance then I think we should focus more on bringing other under used classes up so that we don't have dominant classes (usually sins and champs) that don't have that many counters take over the server. Buffs as annoying as they seem do give an edge, but you can also do the same. And guess what, if you manage to beat them without buffs while they're fully decked out. More power to you, you just owned that person pretty goddamn hard. PS: I voted no o_o
  15. Clay


    Loving the last one : ) I'm not a big fan of sprite siggies and for me the first one seemsa bit weird o_o
  16. -bump bump- : x
  17. -bump- dammit tyler i made it : (
  18. 7/10 for both Cute and it's awesome. But the text throws me off and the background could use a little work imo.
  19. 6/10 Color seems a bit weird i think : / Not much contrast as it's mostly dark, the text seems kind of weird and the brushing seems random. However the stock is blended in nicely : )
  20. Pigs Is Pigs - Every Time I Die
  21. welcome welcome : )
  22. Layer masks or simply erasing the edges of the stock work really well. Another common technique people use is smudging
  23. Not sure if you'll like this o_o
  24. Death-Like Silence - Nightrage
  25. From what I've seen so far, any class can do well here unlike many other servers where its usually sins, champs and pallys
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