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Everything posted by Keroberos

  1. How's it goin' everyone?! My name is Jack! I LOVE food, anime, MMORPGs, Solstice: Reborn (almost exactly the same thing as RO), and Totoro. I'm nerdy which means I love school. I always hang out with the cool people however (guess I'm pretty awesome XD). I just recently started fRO (lots of posts in help section however). I tried RO but it was boring and I've always had good luck with private servers and I thought I'd try it. And so far, I'm loving it! I made a high wizard not realizing that it was a VERY popular class in this game for dps (I prefer being unique), so I also made a Knight thingy. My characters are Espionawsh, Ckaj, and MomoMimi. Cya in game! ;) *Edit: I also like CardCaptor Sakura*
  2. It still doesn't work :(
  3. I'm sorry but I don't understand :\ Full installs?
  4. Bweakfast :3 HOMEMADE POPTARTS! With a nice glass of OJ. I can't upload the pictures :( I wanted to brag about food too. :(
  5. Granted, but the sins took you with them into unexistence >:D I wish all pools were filled with Root Beer :D
  6. Nightmare Before Christmas My Neightbor Totoro Kiki's Delivery Service (Gigi FTW)
  7. So hard to decide T^T Desktop :D Fire or Teen Titans?
  8. I only downloaded the all in one but it still doesn't work! It first says Error Load MapInfoTable Failed! and then once I click okay it says the same attempt to call a nil value twice but with ResetTheHotKey at top and then back to queryRegionInfo. I don't know if this matters but when I try to use the patcher for a split second a yellow bar is at the bottom and then the bar disappears. When I click start on the patcher a little tiny screen appears where I can see the in game mouse barely. Thanks for trying to help guys :\
  9. Keroberos

    Starting Up.

    I just discovered fRO. I tried RO first but that wasn't fun :( The regular RO is in one folder and then I downloaded all of the files from the primary section into it but that came up with some sort of Lua error. Since that didn't work I tried putting all of the downloads from the primary section in to a new folder, but that came up with an error that won't go away until I restart. It says queryRegionInfo at the top, while in the pop up it says "attempt to call a nil value." Please help! This sounds very fun!
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