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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Happy Birth Day ^^

  2. I wonder whats for diner?
  3. True ^^ TPBM Is seriously serious about some seriously serious shit
  4. Icarus

    This or that

    Pussy Dick or Penis? AVP= Alien vs Predator XD
  5. Not that lonely XD
  6. Any chance you can get me Kiel or FBH?

  8. Poor poor you,want a cookie?
  9. TRUE!!!! TPBM Saw my picture lol
  10. Icarus

    Hi v3

    I wanted to hear you T___________T
  11. Icarus

    Hi v3

    Don't be shy,we won't hurt you(Much)
  12. Icarus

    Hi v3

    Come and talk to us =]
  13. PVP - People vs Peanuts
  14. Icarus

    This or that

    MVP PVP or AvP?
  15. I can't wait till Dama gets here XD
  16. There,now thers pirces ^^
  17. Icarus

    Hi v3

    We skiped school in school lol And what you've seen is "Post Your Picture" Is what we've been doing all day XD
  18. I hate it that they exist >.<
  19. Icarus

    Hi v3

    I'm great,we had an awesome day =D
  20. False lol TPBM Is having orgasm
  21. Icarus

    10 Days of Hell

    And Another day down =D 7 More to go ^^
  22. Icarus

    This or that

    Shopping Siting or standing?
  23. /sob This is the same kind we got here /wah
  24. One more pos....... =D
  25. Icarus

    This or that

    Mentos FTW =D NY or Woshington?
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