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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. So no one gives a fuck about my picture? /sob
  2. You look like a catgirl in this one /meow
  3. THE POWER!!!!
  4. 10
  5. Why can't this be a REAL anime /sob
  6. Post information deleted do to the fact that it contained inappropiate material that is unsuitable for younger audiences. Please note the fact that we do have younger people around these forums.
  7. Icarus


    I have: Melissophobia - Bees Entomophobia - Insects Taphephobia - Being buried alive I hate it /sob
  8. You just have to love them /lv
  9. Can you be a little more specific? Edite: And heres a picture of me ^^ What you see is my Dark Side >=] P.S: I look horible in this pic /sob
  10. If there would be a zombie apocalypse I want it to be like in the Resident Evil Games/Movies =3
  11. I'd love to see Helayna dressed like anime girl =] That would be soooooo cute /meow
  12. Is this bad enough for you? /gg @MissMezri who told you I'm getting married?XD
  13. Couldn't be more true ^^
  14. False TPBM Has long nails
  15. Hey Tyler,when you'll post a picture of your self?
  16. Deus Ex Machina!!!!
  17. I don't know about others but I'm like this;
  18. 6 Edit: Just ignore gilga
  19. Sorry but I just had to post it /lv
  20. Icarus

    Deus Ex

    Its for the PC and PS.
  21. Icarus

    Deus Ex

    You totaly should,this game is in the list of 100 best games of all time =]
  22. Icarus

    This or that

    Assassin Cross GS or Sniper?
  23. I'm so tired Y_Y

  24. New what? O.o TPBM Is tire
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