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Everything posted by jaypeearce

  1. Where i can find welding mask? I already used @whodrops but no one seems to drop this.. Someone?
  2. So yeahh.. As the title suggests.. I already used @whodrops but no one seems to drop this.. Someone?
  3. Good day forsakenRO team! Well, I'm a student, and an avid gamer as well. Soon after, I invited my brother to play. (he's working in a graveyard shift, meaning that he plays at morning, and me being a student, i play at night.). So my problem is the voting system. We share the same computer. We can't vote at the same time. Can you GM's do something about that? If there's any suggestions/alternatives in voting in the same computer with different accounts, I'm gladly thankful to those who will share it. But then again, i'll understand if there is no answer to my question/problem. Thank you and more power fRO!
  4. Please update it.. I accidentally deleted my fRO files and wanted to download it again but.. I can't. Please do pdate me. Thanks!
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