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About lampshade

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Novice (1/10)



  1. +1, Great idea. PvP develops too much into gang/party fights (which sometimes is fun) and it's hard to find 1v1 fights nowadays. The betting system would be a lot of fun although the only issue I'd see could be match fixing possibly but that could be fixed I presume.
  2. I've played RO for around 12 years on and off, I'm too used to playing RO the way it is and this is why I joined fRO many moons ago, I think it should be kept as it is since it does draw people to the server, particularly since there aren't many pre-renewal servers left around. I focus ALL my time into pvp, it's all I do, I play with F keys and it's completely fine, 95% of people use /bm and have never had an issue or complained about it in any way, I see no need for it to be altered other than a few minor inconveniences.
  3. I'm the LK in this video and I agree with everything about the sniper. Unfortunately this is the norm for snipers generally and "bad" pvpers. I can be beaten easily (on any character, let alone LK) but people don't try or know what they're doing and just cry for a nerf. Yes the spam is fast but the damage is comparatively low to the Freyr's blade. As rayray said, use fsold with a GR and dispel and I'll do no damage. I'm gonna go ahead and just say learn how to play your class before calling for nerf on others.
  4. +1 I would actually vote lol
  5. Hm perhaps my previous comment wasn't read entirely - when I'm trying to pvp and there are lower leveled characters casting pneuma/safety wall, using homunculus to autofollow people (so your pointer targets the homu) amongst other similar skills/low leveled characters, it becomes more about griefing and an unfair advantage, in my opinion. Anything over novice, regardless of level, doesn't need to be invulnerable/untargetable in predominantly (who levels in fild01?) pvp based maps. Trash talkers can be right click > reject whispering which I've already stated so I don't care about that, this would just reduce trashtalk a little as well at least for the time being.
  6. Well trashtalk isn't particularly the problem for me, I can right click > reject whispering, the issue is like the bio you warned the other day, using homu. and/or casting skills on under leveled characters. Novices can remain unkillable but the level limit could be removed for any job over novice to stop the skill usage.
  7. I suggest removing the current lvl 50 minimum leveling cap as it enables trolls and trashtalkers alike. It's very very easy to get to level 50 and over anyway, a couple of mob kills does the trick so for anyone wanting to actually level over 50, pk isn't a problem (especially with the update recently to disable PK in some maps). As it is at the moment, it allows people to use low level characters to trashtalk, give verbal abuse and generally be idiots and also allows people to play under level characters to troll in pvp - such as super novice with pneuma and bio using homunculus to make it difficult to target enemies, the latter of which I recently reported ingame. Whilst it's not a big priority, it's just an irritating issue that I see no need for. Anyway, I guess discuss or whatever.
  8. Just throwing it out there, I'm GMT/BST; EU WoE at 2pm server time is 7pm for me, later for other EU countries. People finish work (generally) at 5pm~6pm, any earlier and EU players wouldn't be able to attend (again, generally).
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