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About carlooreste

  • Birthday 06/09/1996

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  1. Completely disagree with this. " I cant kill a class, therefore nerf them " . thats not the best solution. I play wizard and I can kill a pally. If i stripped their shield, i can quickly cast bolt and bang them. And remember, not all pallies can re equip their items fast after strip. Those players that can reequip their items are called pro pallies. And pally is not OP lol. Pallies still die. There were just few pallies who cant die! And two of them were YummI and Poppa.
  2. -1 go get some killers so other breaks cant full. For sure youll have a higher chance of last hitting lol
  3. Hmm yeah, youre right about pallies for being defensive rather than offensive. But making rapid smitting spam faster won't make paladins that much of offensive type. Still, rapid smitting is easy to counter. You said lk is the offensive counterpart of swordsman, but theyre not just for offensive, they can do defensive as well. it's because they can also tank like pallies because of their parry which wasnt really intended for 1 handed sword =)
  4. Most of the pallies just play devotion build, grand cross type and str type pallies are so rare because it's easy to counter. For gc type, just use gtb, but it's damage is relatively better compared to the damage of str type pallies. Moreover, there is paladin cursed ring which boosts GC, while on str type pallies, there's no ring for damage. Yes, you can use pally blessed, but it's just for hp. For str type pallies(rapid smitting) just use Gr, which the players use in default and the damage will be manageable. Since the property of Rapid Smitting is neutral ( elemental converters don't affect the damage ), it's damage is low versus players who uses ghostring and raydric. Yes you can say use thana, but GR alone is enough to counter Rapid smitting. But why? Because the spam of rapid smitting is too slow. Compare it to spiral pierce of Lk's and you can feel the difference. What am i suggesting is to make the spam of rapid smitting a little bit faster. Just contest when you feel that it will make battle type paladin OP. Thanks :) Btw, i just want to play new build!
  5. I agree with this! SN is too OP with High MATK + High HP. I'm not a SN Hater btw!
  6. Thana dagger is just 3 slots more than icepick hehe
  7. Yeah, 1 hour, but lower the exhange rate of minigame tokens to etokens. From 1 minigame : 7 etokens to 1 minigame : 3~4 etokens
  8. -1 already added delay to SP, and now you want BB, hmmm if that will happen,better to remove lk class. BB knocks back you, Lk cant spam bb so much in that case. if you get trapped in the corner, yeah, probably the lk Will spam faster. But bb damage is tankable, so no need for this.
  9. If you dont have enough capital yet, do not buy and sell yet. Just do what Gagosila had said. Also, join guilds with salaries. Aside from seeds and berries, farm fcp, cursed water, con speeds, thats the most indemand supplies in the game.
  10. Sniper - can kill all mvps Champion - faster than sniper in terms of killing mvps. very high damage in "almost" all mvps except ghost one.
  11. Stacking is very complicated. Its better to try it on your own. i think it stacks, first try an aura that gives +20 allstats( zodiac ) then remember the damage. Nxt try ROP, if your damage goes higher then it probably stacks.
  12. Emp but for pallies, RoP
  13. Players need more hitters and killers so it will be faster. they can also tank by themselves. But pally is still important to make sure that others will not die.
  14. Yeah laughing poo poo hat, but i dont see any problems with the other redux items. Theyre not op.
  15. No, more damage= higher chance, its not that useless. For example, the remaining hp of emp is 200k, and you do 250k, and the others just do 190k, you have a higher chance to break it because its just 1 hit to you and the others, 2 hits. Lk card = yeah useful, but you'll die easily if you dont have devo, there are breakers who uses bapho card, and other classes kill. But you will do 2x damage so your chance is higher compared to those who didnt zerk. But if the others berserk to, then you will all have 2x damage so your chance is back to normal. you can still break even with no berserk but you have lower chance if the others do berserk!
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