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DarthKalas last won the day on December 18 2014

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About DarthKalas

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fresno, CA.
  • Interests
    Manga, Anime, Video Games, Art, PC Technology,

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  • Ingame Character Names
    Kalas, Candle Jack
  • Guild
    I'm a Ronin

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Not quite what I had in mind, was thinking of more or less a usable item that allows you to look like a 3rd Job mabey implement a legendary quest to allow you to be visibly seen by other players. This requires overwriting files.
  2. Assuming this server will not implement 3rd jobs I suggest making costumes that will allow us to look the part. Mechanic and Sura looks awesome :D
  3. It works! I pretty much hit everyone, no I just need to exceed 7k dex damage (guess ill have to get a Legendary Dagger.... if it exists)
  4. Obsessed? I find it odd that you say I am obsessed with a server just from a mere comparison. Anyway You always talk about influx of the market, you would not know that seeing as to how you have yet to experience it first hand and witness exactly what I am trying to accomplish. I wont reply any further to your posts because you seem to keep jabbering on and on about the same thing in each post.
  5. I was wondering if there are any dex build assassins out there using dual daggers? If so are you utilizing phreeoni card? How often are you missing you dps attacks? So far for me I seem to only land critical attacks against players. Any suggestions for me?
  6. guess that works, would really help with Sonic blows usability
  7. Wasn't here for this so called annihilation event. From my searches on the forum it sounds like it was a flop event. I do not know as to how it flopped but how many years ago was that? Anyways a class is only as strong as a player can make it. Yes it puts some classes to an advantage but not all classes are built for 1 on 1 p.v.p. So of course you would pick pvp oriented classes to use to fight with. Surely you would not bring a priest to a PvP 1 on 1 tournament would you? DPS Classes: Sniper Assassin Cross Gun Slinger Stalker Lord Knight High Wizard Champion Ninja Star Gladiator Creator Whitesmith Tank Classes: Paladin Lord Knight Support Classes: Priest Professor Soul Linker Clown/Gypsie
  8. Hello, I would like to discuss an idea for a monthly PVP tournament event that would last pretty much half of the day after W.o.E or we could schedule an appointed day in each month where there is no W.o.E to allow participants to take place in the event. Prizes would be totally up to the Administrator, personally I would suggest BR Tokens. There will be 2 types of tournaments Singles and Team eliminations. Also so that everyone is on a level playing field Custom Items, MVP and Silver MVP cards will not be allowed. [Rules:] Singles Tournament Style: 64 Man single elimination (with a fight between semi-final losers for 3rd place) Team Tournament Style: 12 teams (3 Man Teams) Single Elimination Winner Takes All.(No second or Third Place) Allowed Items: Original iRO items, Armors, Cards, weapons, Elemental Converters Banned Items: All Custom Items, All MVP Cards, All Silver MVP Cards, W.o.E 2.0 drops (Asprika etc.) This Tournament is to test the skill, knowledge (and co-operation) of players this tournament will be held once a month with the team match taking place first, then the singles. Participants must register on the forums during the week prior to the event taking place. This is something I did way back in the day when I was Head of Events on the server I was GM for. Although it was pretty hectic when players did not listen it was really fun. Comments?
  9. You say a server that has an MVP room lasts 1-2 years? maybe 3? Time to get some milk and add that to your bowl of BS, prepare to eat up. DarkRO Force Started back in 2005 by a man named Maurice Lebon, topped the charts for 4 years, Rank #1 on Top 100. Had a fully functional MVP room, Custom stats to already existing head gears, wings that gave elemental properties to weapons, The works. The LHZ MVP mobs all dropped custom cards since the effects were deemed not worthy for the amount of trouble they took to obtain. Primary Currency was still zenny although we had an item called credits that you could gain 1 credit for every 100m zenny so you cold hold more money. Valkyrie equipment dropped by Valkyrie Randgris had been altered, giving it pretty much almost the same effects as the Forsaken Knight's gear. The armor was obtainable by 2 means MVP drop or Quest. Giving both Veterans and newcomers a chance to obtain something. A lot of the suggestions I make are influenced by this server WHICH IS STILL ALIVE TO THIS DAY! Although the Founder has stepped down he appointed a new administrator in his absence and they have been tasked with keeping the server alive. Their W.o.E had near 2k players online each day. 8 years, 8 years they have been around, 8 Years of professional grade administration, 8 years of experience. Your statement lacks experience. Your statement lacks fortitude, your statement lacks substance. I have come to the conclusion that you are the one that has no idea what you are talking about. Cheers~
  10. well for kitty claws you could just add the grim buff Other than that I see no point in going further.
  11. There is a difference between When you started and when newer players start. You started back when the server was still fresh and new. At this stage in a server everyone is equal. Older players are decked out in donation gear and elite armors that new players cannot get. You have Heavy camping preventing newer players from being able to get anywhere near as good as the veteran players due to the fact that cards are being sold for tokens and not zenny. Zenny, which used to be the primary currency has been completely replaced by tokens. tokens can only be obtained by 2 ways, Buying them from a player that has them or donate to the server which in this case not many people can. Greater cards like Tao Gunka and Turtle General are being sold for 60 Tokens each other less used MVP cards are sold for 1-2 tokens at most 4 tokens. Now farming for zenny is not hard just time consuming and if a person is farming for way too long the game becomes tedious and the player loses interest and quits altogether. I talked to vera about the tower idea and she stated it is a great Idea but for the MVPs in the tower the card drop rates would have to be reduced, further more there would be 3 towers total that would allow parties of up to 4 players. Further more the MVPs would be a lot harder than normal MVPs and would require actual team co-operation to take an MVP down. You stated 3 reasons as to how you didn't like my Idea 1: economy would crash. <--Currently I see no economy, I see the same merchants in the mall day after day selling the same Items for absurd prices trying to make a living. 2: influx of new cards would completely ruin the server as a whole.<-- I do not see how, many other servers have MVP rooms and they are doing great. 3: the new players wouldn't be able to get into the tower until all of the geared players are finished with it<--With long cool downs and 3 towers everybody will get chances to enter. (they shouldn't think about entering under-geared You have to look at it in a logical sense, Ragnarok is not like it used to be, people play for very limited times and the long quest chains to obtain items can take a lot out of someone. 1000 of an item can drive someone mad especially if they are making doubles of something L. Gauntlets for example. The amount of time and patience it takes to progress here is not for everyone and geared for people who have an extremely large ammount of time on their hands. You have that veteran mind set where where you refuse change because you are affraid of the outcome. Like post traumatic stress disorder, you leap and rage when you hear a suggestion that will change the way of your online lifestyle. I wont argue with you on the subject anymore, I already addressed vera about it. I will leave the decision up to them. Cheers~
  12. I'm not going to argue against it any longer, you stated how much you do not like the idea and refuse to see the potential of it. No solid argument, or reason. Just a bunch of how you don't believe it is a good idea. Anywho I will leave it up to development. Cheers~
  13. Im more for the grimtooth and aftercast reuct and +10 to the stats instead of 7, it slipped my mind about the soul link.
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