can i stack 2 valk sinx crit weapon? or 2 legendary sinx crit weapon? and how about valk crit + legendary crit? or i have to use sinx crit and sinx dex? and what weapon can i dual wield with sinx without getting my HP reduced?
im still curious about the stats someone post some screenies :D , and when you finish the quest will it ask you what job you want it for or will it give you the item for the job doing the quest same as legendary weapon?
which one should i farm? yggseeds or berries? which one would be much easier to sell and has lot of consumer? and what are the price for these two items :D
First of all Hello hope im welcome here :D
my first question is what is token that players is buying? is the one from the donation?
second question is what thus [nubmers here] mean? is it how much token or zeny?